Patti Talks Too Much

Saturday Livestream: Wading Through A Quagmire of News, Nutrition Truths, and the Pursuit of Balance

Patti Season 1 Episode 14

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Have you ever felt like you're wading through a quagmire of news, trying to separate fact from fiction while your ancestors' fears whisper in your DNA? That's where we start our latest heart-to-heart on "Patti Talks Too Much," as I, Patti, fly solo to traverse the tumultuous landscape of a world where spiritual warfare and existential anxieties are just the tip of the iceberg. From the echoes of our species' past to the modern-day battlefield of information overload, we embark on a journey through the complexities of discerning reality in this accelerated age.

Navigating the murky waters of health and nutrition isn't for the faint of heart, and this episode isn't shy about it. Together, we'll expose the underbelly of skepticism in vaccinations and question whether our bodies are being underestimated by modern medicine. With a blend of personal anecdotes from my cafe days and scrutinizing the dark corners of the food industry, we peel back the curtain on sugar's deceptive reign over our diets and the competing standards of what's considered "safe" food around the world. And yes, the truth behind those vegan options that have taken the market by storm—Beyond and Impossible—is on the menu for discussion.

But it's not all about what you consume; it's also about the world that consumes you. We're talking technology's grip on health, societal forces shaping our wellness, and the pursuit of education that fuels independent thought. Fear not, for Taylor and Anoki will join us in future episodes to share their insights. Some say you can't navigate today's currents without losing your compass; I say, let's find our balance and seize joy where we can, and let's do it together. Join the conversation, and let's cultivate a life of conscious choices and unshakable integrity, against all odds.

Speaker 1:

Well, good morning everyone. This is Patti, with Patti Talks Too Much and I am flying solo today for this live stream and, yeah, there's a lot going on this week and I wanted to just talk about it. It'll probably be a shorter live stream because it's just me and it's not, you know, taylor spinning her yarn or Enoki telling her stories. It's just me and honestly, I'm kind of a little tired today. I'm kind of tired, and it's not the kind of tired that's, uh, just like lack of sleep, you know, because honestly I I think I've been sleeping enough, but it's just, and I know so many of us, perhaps most of us, feel this kind of exhaustion through, or from just the overstimulation of just the information flying at us from all directions, from all directions and the level to which we have to discern it all and not react to it, also keeping our emotions in check or maybe we're not. So it's exhausting to try to keep a balance in such chaos, and it's also exhausting if you lose your shit. So, either way, whether you give into knee-jerk reactions to all of this stuff that's coming at you or you're really working to kind of stay balanced and neutral as possible, it's exhausting and that's kind of the world that we live in, particularly here in the West, where I think that, if we want to acknowledge that there's a spiritual war going on, this is ground zero. So it's really like being at ground zero, it's like being in the trenches and, you know, most people don't even know that they're in the trenches. Most people don't even know that there's a full-on war going on. I mean, we talk about, oh, world war three and that's been a theme this week, right, world war three, iran and israel, all this, you know the but they're sending bombs over there, they're hitting nuclear power plants, oh, israel's gonna do this, and china and russia are on the phone trying to keep things in check. It's just all this, this crazy stuff, and you don't even know how much of it to believe and how much of it is just, you know, made up shit. You really, you just don't know. But it is this it taps into our existential fears of. Is this, it? Is this the end of humanity? Is this the end of humanity? And I think that I mean, I believe in what they call epigenetics and it's this theory and I was very fascinated with it.

Speaker 1:

Anything having to do with DNA I'm fascinated with, even though I don't really fully understand the mechanisms of DNA, though I'm fascinated with it. So I don't believe that there's any such thing as junk DNA. That's just a bullshit term that scientists came up with, you know, instead of saying we don't know what the fuck this is, you know? You know what I mean. It's not. There's no such thing as junk. There's no such thing as any junk in our bodies Like we have. No, there is no junk. There's no junk here. There's no junk in space. Everything has a purpose. Everything, I believe, has been created with purpose.

Speaker 1:

And so, but our DNA, you know, they only know, I don't know they've figured out 20% of it, or whatever the latest statistic is. But it holds memory, not just the memory of us as individuals, but perhaps memory of our whole species. And there were some marine biologists who were this was back a while ago and they were studying, for instance, whale songs and how intricate whale songs are, and they came to the conclusion that whale songs hold the story right, hold the story of that whale and all the whales that came before it, like a long lineage of. So it's very, it's like whale songs are like a vibrational expression of whale DNA, and I also think that that's true for humans, like our voice, right, everybody has this really really unique voice, and so if that's true for whales, is it true for us? I don't know. I find that all of these things are really fascinating and understudied, because in our world, if you can't make money on it, why study it? I mean, that's not my, but it's kind of how things ended up being structured.

Speaker 1:

But going back to epigenetics, so, and our fear of, you know, annihilation, I think that we've been here so many times and that in our DNA is embedded this fear of our extinction, I think because we've come so close before, and so those moments in human history where we've come so close to extinction are imprinted on our DNA and, in a way, when things come up that trigger this fear of extinction, you know, or you know World War, you know World War Three and all of this. I think it, even if we are working to not react so strongly to these things, I think that on a DNA level, there's a lot going on that we may not even be conscious of, because it's bringing up a very, very old fear and a very, very old memory. Because, if you think about it, if humans who are living on the planet right now are the survivors of near extinction events, then our DNA holds that memory of having survived a near extinction event, whether it was a flood, whether it was a conflagration, whatever it was. I think that memory is still in our DNA. So these things are triggered and we are now being, you know, we're facing, you know, is this annihilation?

Speaker 1:

And there's a kind of there's kind of an insanity about everything that's going on right now and you're kind of like insanity has been normalized and it does something. To your mind, if you're a fairly normal person, it's like so, war is good. Now we're supposed to support war, even if it's nuclear, even if it's like that's good now. And there's something about that, you know, and there are people who will go along with it. But there are a lot of people saying why are we? What's going on? That we, and the very same people 20, 30, 40 years ago, who might have been peaceniks 40 years ago, who might have been peaceniks, one of the biggest banner wavers for war, that could become nuclear, how did that happen? And so I think it just has so many of us scratching our heads about our current reality and really the nature of our reality and then throw in all of the, of course, we've got the crazy, crazy election going on in our right now and it's insanity.

Speaker 1:

It is insanity what is happening in the United States right now and it's being watched all over the world. Because, honestly, even if you're someone who believes that there needs to be a dramatic change in our government and in our systems, if the United States falls to complete chaos and disorder and you know, I mean it's one thing to kind of dramatically restructure a government and eliminate corruption here and there and so forth, that could be messy but it's positive, right, but then, on the other hand, it could go in a way where it's, you know, the people who are holding on to power may very well use the scorched earth method. It's like if we're going down, we're taking everyone with us and we're not going to leave a blade of grass standing. It's all coming down, and so we kind of face that as well. We want to end corruption, but the people who are embedded in that corruption, how far will they go, how desperate will they be in the end and will we be able to survive? How destructive that could be. So we're really in a place where it's ground zero and, you know, you just kind of throw into the mix so many things that are coming to the surface Like, wow, the pandemic was a bit of a fraud, wasn't it? Did they create the vaccine to address the virus or did they create the virus to bring out the vaccine?

Speaker 1:

I have controversial positions on so much of this. So I would be technically considered an anti-vaxxer, because I don't really I really believe in anti-vaxxer because I don't really I really believe in well, because I'm such a fan of the human form and how amazing our bodies are and how brilliant our creation was that I believe that our bodies can handle so much, our immune system is meant to handle all of the things that come at it and that the earth has natural medicines for us, available to us. That is the perfect design of this earth and of us. Is that we were created this way? And, oh, and, if you need medicine, well, it's growing practically in your backyard. You know like there are places like if you live in high elevations, there just happens to be plants in that area that deal with altitude sickness, right? If you live in tropical areas where you know your skin might get sore from the sun and sun exposure. Oh look, there just happened to be plants in that area that will address that issue. So I, you know, I believe in the, just the perfection of our creation.

Speaker 1:

Now, has it been messed with? It really has been, it really has been, and there are so many ways that things have been. Things have been set up so that we are, um, we get sick a lot. But really, what's behind? What's behind that? I mean when, when you look at how our water is treated, if you look at what's happening in our skies, if you look at what has happened with our food and that all of the authorities that supposedly oversee the safety of food, oversee the safety of medicine, oversee the safety of our environment, are perfectly fine with poison in our air, in our food, right in our medicines. So you know, we've gotten to a point where we can't. Can we trust these authorities? What's their agenda? Why is it okay to have medicines and supposed things injected into us that are doing more harm than good? Why is that okay? Why is it okay to have food pyramids that absolutely are inverted? We're not supposed to be consuming that much of that kind of food. So our pyramid, our food pyramid, is off the kinds of foods that we're supposed to be eating are not the kinds of foods that they're recommending.

Speaker 1:

You know I teach at a, you know so I've been a teacher for a long time. And you know, in our schools we have, you know, the breakfast programs and the lunch programs and such, and I can't believe what we serve our children for breakfast. So when I have first period classes, I'll let students come in with their little breakfast that they just grabbed from the cafeteria. You know these are high school students. They're practically still asleep when they walk into my first period class, honestly. So I let them come in with their little cereal and juice and milk and more often than not, the cereal that they've been given is Lucky Charms. Lucky Charms, that's the breakfast. And, as a matter of fact, there are literally food people, food experts, who say that Lucky Charms and Cheerios and all these cereals are good for you. So it is completely. Our food system is completely corrupt. Our food system is completely corrupt.

Speaker 1:

For instance, I've been on a rip about sugar for years. I've been on a rip about sugar. They don't talk about sugar. Well, you know, big sugar is a huge lobby. So you have people in very high places, washington DC who protect the sugar industry and also allow certain things.

Speaker 1:

When it comes to our nutrition labels, that kind of obfuscate how much sugar is really in so much of our food? I mean we're talking sugar, we're talking high fructose corn syrup, all of this stuff which is so bad for us, you know, and linked to cancer. I mean, like sugar actually feeds many kinds of cancers. You know we have a diabetic epidemic in our country, that's through the roof. So I mean this is type 2 diabetes. So type 2 diabetes, you know, you can, it's really a lifestyle thing and we're having, you know, we have teenagers developing type 2 diabetes.

Speaker 1:

So on our nutrition labels, for the longest time, you know, you look and it says a percentage of RDA, right, percentage of RDA, and you go down and it gives you the percentage, you know, recommended daily allowance or whatever in each category, but not sugar. So this is so uh obvious on soda, soda bottles, like if you look and I used to do this with students let's look at the nutrition labels on these, um, and you go down and and so everything is filled in, but not sugar. Sugar is not filled in. So so they managed to make laws that allow for sugar not to be listed on the RDA. You would see that in a one bottle of soda you're really consuming about three days worth or more of the recommended daily allowance for sugar. And so in a matter of five or 10 minutes, people consume that much, and so you can imagine what it's doing to the liver that much, and so you can imagine what it's doing to the liver, what it's doing to the whole system. And we, you know, we sell soda everywhere. Coca-cola, you know, we think, oh, you know, coke is great, coke is the real thing. Everything is PR, everything is marketing. And so, you know, coke brothers, the Coke family family, they've done a phenomenal job.

Speaker 1:

I used to tell the story about, like how, how santa got his red, his, his red suit. You know, like how did that happen? Because the the um idea of saint nick has, you know it's it's been around for a while but it's changed over the years and Saint Nick, I think, used to wear green. I mean, he's like a very different kind of character and he wasn't so fat, I don't think. But you know, it's kind of changed over the years and I think it was in the 1920s. Coca-cola did a whole ad campaign showing Santa in this, in the Coca-Cola red suit, you know, with the fur around the edges and whatever jolly red cheeks and everything. And it was such a success that images of Santa expanded in everywhere. And so now, over the years, anytime you would see a picture of Santa, he would be in that Coca-Cola red suit. But that's where he got his red suit from Coca-Cola. So it was an absolute brilliant ad campaign that has paid off over the years, and so that's Coca-Cola.

Speaker 1:

But soda is one of the worst things that we can put into our bodies. It's almost all poison, honestly, it's just plain sugar. It's just plain sugar, um, and we put it into our bodies and we are, um poisoning ourselves and our children. You know there are people who put soda in their children's baby bottles because they think it's okay. Well, if it's being sold, then it has to be okay. You know, if it wasn't okay, it wouldn't be in the supermarket and I think we really have to move beyond that. There are so many products that are banned in other countries and we sell them here. So a lot of the monster drinks, a lot of GMO foods and so forth. They don't allow them in other countries. I think in Europe. They've banned them, and I could go on and on about food. Honestly, I could really go on and on about food. I mean, let's face it, we need food, we need to put it in our bodies, and so what a way to corrupt a body is you corrupt the food, and we are what we eat, and so it has a huge, huge effect.

Speaker 1:

I had a cafe for a while there and I made these veggie burgers. So I had a lot of fun creating veggie burgers from scratch and I created all these names for them and everything. It was a lot of fun, but it was all whole food. They were whole food, veggie burgers, there's nothing. They were vegan, gluten-free, soy-free, and people really liked them and I kind of became known as a veggie burger cafe.

Speaker 1:

And then the Beyond Burger came out. And what's that? Beyond Meat, beyond Burger and the Impossible Burger. So, and people started asking me what do you think about these? They're just like meat, it's just like. Oh you know, isn't it great? And I did some research at the time that it was coming out.

Speaker 1:

So you had a bunch of. You had some investors, and one of them was Bill Gates, and I don't trust anything that Bill Gates puts his hands on. I think the man is practically pure evil, honestly. And so they create this lab company, I think in California, and they just raised a bunch of money millions and millions of dollars to run this lab, to create this fake me right, bill Gates was like a big investor in it. And basically how they did it was they were able to harvest from plants a compound called heme I can spell it H-E-M-E, you could spell it h-e-m-e and heme is a compound found in plants that kind of tastes like blood. Honestly, I don't know if it looks like I don't know, but they use this compound that they were able to harvest from plants to um, create these, these burgers, that kind of they looked and they tasted like meat. But the Impossible Burgers and the Beyond Burgers are so thoroughly processed, so highly, highly processed, that now what we're seeing and there are studies coming out saying these burgers actually put people at risk for heart attacks, for high blood pressure. They're horrible. This is what they're promoting.

Speaker 1:

This is much better for you than regular meat, and this is one of the big, big lies, because meat is actually one of the most nutritious forms of food that we can get. And I've gone through all of this. I've gone through the whole vegan argument and everything, and there are people who are vegan because they're spiritual and they believe we shouldn't harm animals. There are vegans who believe that that's the best way to eat. It allows you to be more, I guess, more enlightened, more evolved. If you eat meat, you are a less evolved person, and so forth, and also that it's better for your heart. So there are lots of and also that it's better for your heart.

Speaker 1:

But what I've seen over the years, just from my own personal experience, this isn't, like you know, research. This is just, you know, what I observed, because I saw a lot of vegans in my cafe, because I ended up, kind of by accident, I ended up serving, you know, these vegan burgers, and so I attracted a very large vegan audience you know customer base and I got to know them. My observations were and this isn't like a blanket statement, it's just what I observed, and this isn't like a blanket statement, it's just what I observed was that vegans, they often were not very balanced emotionally. They tended to get depressed a lot, they tended to be sad, and I didn't know, is that why is that? Is that because they're focused on certain things, and because they're focused on certain things in their lives, it brings them down. Is it what they're eating? What is it?

Speaker 1:

But this was an observation was that they tended to be not very grounded at all, not super emotionally stable, very fragile emotionally like. Their feelings were easily heard, they kind of it was. It was, uh, very interesting. They tended to be um, kind of fragile and I also noticed like a lot of the vegans that came into my cafe were, um, I don't really know how to say this like in a way that isn't that doesn't sound judgmental, but it's like they tended to be, or at least sound, often a bit elitist. You know, like they kind of looked their nose, they looked down their noses at people who didn't eat a vegan lifestyle, you know. So there was a sense of elitism, elitism, um, among them. You know, like we are more evolved than you are, the. You know, um, the the lesser evolved or whatever, whatever it is.

Speaker 1:

That was something that I picked up with vegans. So that was just my experience. I don't know I'm not saying there's some wonderful vegans out there that I follow, that I love, but I'm just sharing that. That was kind of an experience that I had while serving, while, you know, running a cafe that kind of accidentally became known as a vegan cafe, and so my customer base was vegan and I really got quite a look at what that customer base looked like, sounded like, behaved like, and I made my own observations. Like, and I made my own observations, and those are just some of the observations that I made. They were very they would become very, very upset that I had one griddle and I had to cook everything on it. So, yes, your veggie burger is being cooked on the same griddle. That I cooked someone's breakfast eggs on. Yes, that is true, that is true, but that was a. That was kind of a bone of contention. So it was. It was a very interesting experience, a real eyeopening experience.

Speaker 1:

But the whole food industry is, you know, when you like. Again, when you look at what we've done with big sugar and sugar we're going to find, you know, the part of the demonization of fat in our, in our food came from the sugar lobby, like they want to blame all of our health issues on fat and not on sugar. But what's true is that our body actually needs fat. Our body doesn't really need to be consuming the kind of sugar that it's through, like we can get, you know, through fruits and vegetables, we get plenty. We don't need, you know the candy bars and the. You know, through fruits and vegetables we get plenty. We don't need, you know, the candy bars and the. You know all of that. And sugar is addicting.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure some of you have heard about the Penn State study that was done many years ago where they had with rats, you know, and they had a water bottle with sugar water in it and a water bottle with cocaine, and the floor of the rats page was electrified. And so they did this experiment where when they took a drink they would get a little shock. You know, animal testing is so cruel. But, um, what they found in this study was that the, the rats who were, um, drinking the cocaine water stopped because of the pain, and the rats who were drinking the sugar water didn't they? They just kept drinking that sugar water, no matter how often they were shocked. So they kind of came to the conclusion that it has to be that sugar is more addicting than cocaine, and it really it could be true.

Speaker 1:

Look at the sugar addiction in our culture, look how addicted our children are to sugar, and this is what they do. You know, and here's the thing so much of the advertising for the cereals that are high, high in sugar and all of those sugary products and whatever. So much of that advertising is directed at our children and there was a lawsuit actually against you know, the these, um, these companies, companies, you know, like serial companies, and you know, um, focusing on, uh, advertisements for children. Like people thought that that was wrong, it should be regulated. But the but the these companies, these multi-billion dollar companies, uh, were able to successfully argue that they were protected by free speech. So they were able to use the argument of free speech to continue to advertise something that is terrible for children and highly addictive, because they had the free speech right to advertise that to children. So, yeah, talk about, you know, free speech. You look at kind of some of the arguments and some of the ways that our free speech is eroding in the country now, but you have these huge corporations who are actually successfully you know, they successfully argued to advertise to children because they had the free speech right to do so. Yeah, it's, you know it's clown world.

Speaker 1:

So our food has been compromised and I've found in the people that I talk to on a regular basis. I've found that we all agree that if you want to live a healthy lifestyle, it is a lot of work, like it's almost like a full-time job, to try to really live a healthy lifestyle. So, in other words, to be conscious of the food that you take in. Are you preparing your meals? Are you eating out? Are you how much of your food is processed? Are you getting your nutrients? Because now it's like, even if you do eat decently, are you getting your nutrients? Because our soil is depleted. So we have these deficiencies of nutrients because of our environment, because of our soil, because of our skies, because of our water, and we have to not only be careful about what we eat, but we also kind of have to supplement, and everything in our lives kind of points to or makes it easy to live more sedentary lives, which are awful. You know, like it's.

Speaker 1:

It's you have to stay active, you have to exercise, and so we have these these busy, chaotic lives and we're, you know, and if you're trying to be conscious, it's like wow, how do I make sure that I'm eating the right things, that I'm getting the nutrients that my body needs, that I'm avoiding things that are not healthy for me. You have literally the frequencies in your home off of your electronics are not good for you. Well, what do you do for that? So then there are things that you can do to kind of protect your body from those those kinds of things. And what about the things that we ingest through social media and our television shows? How much of that is corrosive for our minds and for our emotions? You know, like little worms that get in, that get into our heads, you know, and play on a loop. You can sense it when you're, sometimes, when you're watching some of this stuff.

Speaker 1:

So it's to be really, really conscious of everything that we're taking in, so to be like uber vigilant. It's like I have to be careful of everything that I eat and I drink. How is my water? Is it filtered enough? Is it clean enough? And usually the answer to that is no. So my food and my water and what I'm taking in on my technology devices and my phone, and how do I protect myself fromming coming off of the shows and the movies, and you know, the stuff that I take in psychically, like take in from my technologies. So it's a lot, and I think that many of us are doing the best we can, but it really does, I think, become exhausting.

Speaker 1:

So, anyway, I've been thinking about that because I honestly think that there is so much that's going to also, in the midst of all of this, in the midst of us being kind of compromised physically, compromised, emotionally, compromised, spiritually, we are going to be experiencing, you know, I mean, the biggest informational dumps of disclosure about some of the things that have been going on for decades or longer that humans were not privy to. So now you've got all kinds of stuff coming out about, uh, you know alien, you know aliens. They're not even really, I mean, alien is just kind of they're off-worlder beings, they're not from here, um, but they're around, um, you have, like, the nature of the moon. What's happening with the sun? What's the nature of our reality? Um, how deep does this corruption go in in our governments? Who's really behind it? There are so many layers to what is going to be disclosed, or even the level of some evil shit. I mean, we're talking. What about the child trafficking? What's happening with the children? Why aren't people talking about it? This is a really, really big deal. We're on the edge of World War III. We have so many things coming at us, and a lot of that is going to be the exposing and the disclosure of some hard hitting, gut punching truths about the world that we're living in and what has been going on behind the scenes, like who is that man behind the curtain? Or who are those men and women behind the curtain? Who's really running shit and what are they doing and what are their motivations, and how much have we been compromised? It is on all levels, you know.

Speaker 1:

So I said I was a teacher. Well, look at our public school system. And you had, you know, and that was funded originally by by the Rothschilds, I think for the sole purpose of not creating generation after generation of thinkers and inventors and so forth, but literally creating worker bees, you know, conditioning us to be worker bees, but not critical thinkers, not creative thinkers. That's not what our educational system does, and it's become more and more obvious that our educational system is about indoctrination. That's why, when people ask me about you know what should I do, you know, with my kids I'm like homeschool, homeschool, don't, don't, send your there. There's no. We can say, oh, what about their social? Yeah, they'll learn social, they'll learn socialization and, believe me, the socialization that they're learning in our public schools is not particularly the kind of socialization that maybe you want your child to learn. So there's that. But I always I'm a big proponent of homeschool, because I think that our schools have been compromised for a very, very long time. And so then you have our children being compromised and you have their intellectual development compromised and they aren't trained to be thinkers, which means that they can be told anything and they believe it. Well, how perfect is that for the powers that be? So you have on all levels, you know, medically, culturally, educationally, on all levels it has been captured and corrupted. And that's the war.

Speaker 1:

In the midst of all of that, you've got a man lighting himself on fire in New York City. You know, there might be a lot of people saying I'm going to light myself on fire with all of the shit going on in our world. I don't blame him for wanting to light himself on fire, even though some of the stuff he wrote was kind of crazy. They were like what, what is he talking about? What was going on? And the man just kind of lost his shit and wanted to go out in a blaze, and he did. He um, he died today.

Speaker 1:

So in the midst of all of this, if we're in a war, and it's a spiritual war, then how do you remain sovereign? So you know, we're trying to protect our bodies, trying to keep our bodies healthy, trying to keep our bodies healthy, our minds healthy, our spirits healthy and strong. How do you remain sovereign? I'm working my way through that right now, but I've been thinking a lot lately about how so much of what we see in our world and that we're triggered by right, oh, don't trick, you know, like the whole thing about oh no, you know, don't trigger me, you can't trigger me, and whatever it's kind of like no, I mean, I think it's good to see the stuff that triggers us, because that indicates wounds or places in our emotional body that need to be healed. And I think ultimately that's our work. That's what we need to do is on an individual level and then eventually on a collective level. We need to heal, we need to heal ourselves, we need to heal the human race, but I don't think that we can go out and help others heal if we haven't done our own healing and we can't heal ourselves if we're not even aware of our wounds. So it's really starting from there and a lot of that awareness can come from looking at what triggers you.

Speaker 1:

Last week we were having a conversation and Taylor was really, really triggered, you know, like Trump triggers the shit out of her. You know, and she was talking about his corrupt how he, his family, became rich because way back when I guess when they got here, I don't know some great, great grant I don't know who it was was involved in opium brothels, but of course, at the time opium was was legal and so it was cocaine. And she was talking about how you can't really become a millionaire in this country unless you're corrupt. You have to be corrupt, and I and she was using Trump as an example you know he's corrupt and I, throughout the week, I was thinking about this idea of corruption and how, you know, I mean it triggered her in a particular way and like what are the things that trigger me?

Speaker 1:

And there's so much corruption, like so much of what's coming to the surface now is corruption and we all have our knee jerk responses to different parts of you know. There are people who are absolutely outraged by the level of corruption of the Biden administration and then people are like, oh, trump is corrupt and that's corrupt and we see corruption everywhere, right, everywhere. I've been this whole time I've been talking it's been about corruption. This whole time I've been talking it's been about corruption. But then I was thinking also about the idea of how it's also like. What we see in the world is a reflection of us individually and collectively, and often the things that trigger us are the things that are unrelated and unhealed.

Speaker 1:

So I began to think about what does our own personal corruption look like? What does it mean to be corrupted Like? How have we or how have I and in extension, we knowingly corrupted our bodies, knowingly corrupted our emotions, knowingly corrupted our minds? How have we knowingly corrupted our morals, right Our ethics? And because we can look around the world and be absolutely appalled at the corruption that we see in the world. But I also think it's important to take a very, very hard look at how we have allowed our own corruption through a whole series of choices. So it's all about choices. Every moment there are choices that we make. We choose what we put in our bodies. Are we corrupting our bodies with the choices that we're putting in our bodies? Have I made decisions along the way that were motivated by greed or monetarily, and I knew that they were dishonest, I knew that I wasn't being honorable, but I made those decisions anyway. It's corruption. How have I allowed myself to be corrupted spiritually? How have I compromised my morals Through judgment, through disdain, through, you know? I mean, I think judgment is probably one of the biggest um corruptors.

Speaker 1:

Like we, you, you know, when I was talking about vegans, I had the sense that vegans were kind of like they think. You know, that's a form of corruption, you know, because we it's. It's a form of corruption to think that you are above other humans. After all, isn't that what we see in politicians? They think they don't have to live by the same laws we live by. They think they're above us, right? Isn't that our biggest complaint? And yet it's very difficult for us to look into our own lives and see how we've done that, how we think that we might be above that person because we're more this or more that, and so we all do it. You could be a devout Christian and be corrupted because you think that, because you are a devout Christian, you are above those who are not. There are so many ways that we are have allowed, let's say, personal corruption. So I think it's really important to look at those things, to begin with ourselves. I mean, you know Michael Jackson, the man in the mirror. Amen to him, yes.

Speaker 1:

So I wanted to just end with this, because there's a book that I read quite a while ago and I'm about to reread it because I think it's a timely book for today, for how we're going to live at ground zero, how we're going to live the very best lives we can live while in the trenches, while in the midst of this war, which is a war on humanity, which is a war on it's a spiritual war, it's a war on all different levels. We don't need to be worried so much about nukes as we do about the war on our minds and on our spirits and on our bodies. And the only way to really fight that war is to address it in ourselves. It really just comes back to us. So how can I address my own corruption? I'm not going to focus on Biden's corruption or Trump's corruption, or the corruption of the educational system, the medical system, the blah, blah, blah. There's just so much. How about if I concentrate on my own corruption?

Speaker 1:

So there's a book that I read quite a while ago and I'm going to reread it because I think it's really timely. And this is by a gentleman, miguel Ruiz, who wrote the Four Agreements. And I think that the Four Agreements is such a timely book right now because it's almost like guidelines for how to address all the levels of personal corruption so that we can go out in the world uncorrupted, and and so you know. So what are, what are some of the things he has, for there's four agreements and then it goes into a lot of detail in the book and it's it's actually very easy to follow and I think that it's worth reading and seeing if you can get any inspiration from it to address some of these things. So the first one, the first agreement there's just four in the book is be impeccable with your words.

Speaker 1:

If you think about how corrupted our language is and how we just say things without really thinking about it, you know and I'm not even talking about how a lot of our very language has been inverted and we unknowingly use words and phrases that aren't really that healthy. But we don't know. I'm not talking about the unwitting corruption, I'm talking about the corruption that we can be very well aware of and we still do it the way that we use our words Very, very powerful. Our words. How are we using them? Are we conscious of the way that we use our words? And I'm not talking about like oh, oh, hate speech and all of that bullshit. I'm talking about being really honest and conscious about the use of our words.

Speaker 1:

The second one is don't take anything personally. There's a lot to be said for that and it's not the first time, I'm sure that you've heard it. But to not take things personally. There's a lot going on in the universe and kind of in the tapestry of your life, and some of it we're conscious of and some of it we're not. And sometimes things happen and we take it very personally, but maybe it has nothing to do with us, or maybe it has something to do with us and even though it hurts in the moment, it's for our highest good.

Speaker 1:

So the third one is don't make assumptions. So you know what I was talking about. You know that whole idea of feeling like you are above other people and you know we all, we all do it. The kind of judgments that we make, that kind of falls in this category, like what assumptions are we making about other people? What assumptions have we made about ourselves and what would it mean to live in a way where we are not making assumptions about people and about situations?

Speaker 1:

The fourth and final one is always do your best. So you know what it feels like when we say or do the easy thing. We say or do the easy thing, it's like well, the right thing would have taken too much time and effort. So I'm just going to do or say the easy thing here. How often in a day do we do that? And what would it mean really to do your best every day? So, at any rate, there's so much in that book that I think is of great value and I highly recommend it.

Speaker 1:

I think it's actually one of those books, that books that's worth revisiting. You know, there was a period where there were all these books coming out and you know, and it was great at the time, it was like, oh yeah, these are great. And you know, I was going through my own spiritual awakening and there were, you know, eckhart Tolle and all these books were coming out. It was awesome and I was a sponge and I was reading them all, but a lot of people who were really on that spiritual path. Then where have they gone? Where are they now? What are they doing? Have they succumbed to the spiritual war? Have they abandoned all of those wonderful concepts that we were reading about and all of those wonderful spiritual books 10, 15 years ago?

Speaker 1:

This is one of those books that I think is well worth returning to and using at a time when perhaps we need these concepts the most, when we can really utilize them in this really, really challenging time. Because I think it was easy for us to say, yeah, these are great, these four agreements are great, and Eckhart Tolle's New Earth, oh, that's awesome, I love these concepts and everything, and then, when the shit hits the fan, we kind of abandon it all and go back to sleep or go back to reaction and judgment and some of these old ways. I think it's time to revisit some of these and use them as real tools in our lives as we navigate these really, really challenging times, because I think that the most important thing now is that this evolution that humanity is going through is probably mostly an inside job and an individual job. It's perhaps most important that we address these things as individuals, personally. So if we are overwhelmed by the corruption that we see in the world, put it aside and address the corruption that we have allowed in our own lives, in our own hearts, in our own minds, in our bodies, and start there.

Speaker 1:

That is what I am endeavoring to do, and I'm not going to tell you that I do a great job every day, because that wouldn't be impeccable with my words in a long shot. So I'm not going to say that, but I did want to share it and I will share my progress as we go along, and I'll certainly be sharing this with Taylor and Anoki when we talk again. And I hope you find balance wherever you can find it, nurture balance and cherish every moment of joy you can find, you can create. Have a great week everyone.