Patti Talks Too Much

Energy Drink Drama, Farming Feuds, and a Global Reset: Just Another Day


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Ever laughed so hard at a friend's energy drink mishap that you cried? That's how Taylor, Anoki, and I kicked things off, reminiscing about Anoki's epic pre-drive to Florida energy drink saga. (It's called Crack for a reason) But it wasn't all giggles; we got real about the nitty-gritty of fasting and detoxing. I spilled the beans on my five-day fast aimed at soothing arthritis and dished on the upcoming cleanses in my wellness pipeline, including battling sneaky parasites and giving my liver a good ol' rinse. Taylor's curiosity about the whole shebang made for some insightful banter, and we wrapped it up with a heartfelt chat on keeping the faith amid life's curveballs.

On a more sobering note, we navigated the complicated tides of traditional farming versus government oversight, shining a light on the Amish community's struggles, especially the folks over at Amos Farms in Pennsylvania. Then, we took a step back to examine bigger pictures, like the ripple effects of London's school closures due to declining birth rates, and the impact of personal lifestyle choices on larger societal shifts. The genetic health of the Amish and historical patterns of population ebb and flow led us to ponder our planet's carrying capacity—a topic that's both fascinating and a tad daunting.

As if we hadn't covered enough ground, we ventured into the realm of existential conundrums with the threat of a modern-day Carrington event lurking over our heads. Could a global reset from such a catastrophe be the key to a fresh start for humankind? It's a heavy thought, but we didn't leave it there. We closed on a lighter, more meditative note, after Taylor pulled a card from her Archetype deck, and shared the tranquility of candle gazing to reignite our collective inner flame. Taylor, Anoki, and I signed off with an invitation to join us in finding that spark of gratitude and warmth to carry into the week ahead.

Speaker 2:

It is May 25th, I'm Patti, with Patti Talks Too Much, and I'm here with my dear friends and Noki is down in Florida today anybody who is missing, palm trees there, we have, we have some.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to hug that trunk for me, please? That's what I'm doing.

Speaker 3:

I'm wrapped up in it are you missing, florida Taylor?

Speaker 4:

I'm so homesick I want to swim in the ocean.

Speaker 3:

So, patty, I wake up at 2 o'clock in the morning and I take my partner to work and then I come home and sometimes I can go back to sleep in the morning.

Speaker 3:

sometimes I can't, you know, but yesterday was one of those days where I can't really, and so I was up from like 2 30 in the morning until one o'clock in the morning last night, and so an alarm goes off, and at three o'clock in the morning, and then I couldn't go back to sleep because I tried this stuff. It's a free workout formula or whatever, but it's 120 milligrams of it's called crack.

Speaker 4:

There is a, an amino acid or something in there and it makes your entire body tingle. I thought I was going to die if my whole body had pins and needles. I was like what?

Speaker 3:

It works. If you are a zombie and you need to go somewhere, it works. It's not illegal.

Speaker 2:

It's not illegal in America.

Speaker 3:

It's probably banned in Europe and most places around the world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, I'm punctual, I'm on time, but yeah but you know, honestly, you really have to lay off that crack. Yeah, I know yeah, you really.

Speaker 3:

Oh, my god lay off, lay off the crack girl my head still hurts a little bit, like I feel a little hungover or something yeah, I mean, don't you, but don't you know that information mixed with cracks?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I don't you know that crack is whack deprived human.

Speaker 4:

So I can relate to your need for crack, but but I can't take that pre-workout stuff, man.

Speaker 2:

When you get home, though, you really should probably drink a lot of water and detox that shit out of your body. You know, I'm I'm actually doing the opposite. I'm I'm fasting. I'm in a second day of of fasting, and I'm going to see if I can do a five day fast, just because it's part of.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's part of what I, you know, addressing the, the condition, you know, the arthritis stuff, and so I'm I'm doing a fast, I feel pretty good. I feel pretty good, so I think I think I can do the five days. Yeah, I just decided I was going to try, you know, and then I'm going to, I'm going to spend June doing cleanses and some of them sound kind of intimidating, like, well, I'm going to do a parasite cleanse. It's actually a very reputable parasite cleanse and it does have the things that you would expect wormwood, it's got like three different, three different things that are. You take, like certain, a certain number of drops each day, and it's got like three different, three different things that are, and you take, like certain, a certain number of drops each day and it's over an 18 day, uh, 18 day period. So, um, it's probably one of the most reputable um, parasite cleanses.

Speaker 2:

So I'm going to do that Um, and then I'm going to do what they call a liver flush. Now, the liver flush is more intimidating than the, than the parasite cleanse, because it's it's over the course of, I think, five days, but it flushes out your liver. So if you're doing, if you're doing a cleanse, you know your liver is the organ that's kind of everything cleaning out. You know those toxins, you know, like all those toxins you just put in your body. I know, well, your liver is kind of working overtime to get rid of those toxins and when it gets, when it gets overwhelmed, you know, then it really really gets sluggish. So if you're doing a cleanse, it's good to do something to kind of keep your liver flushed so that it can release the toxins optimally, you know. So, at any rate, those see, taylor, aren't you proud of me? These are all the things that I'm learning.

Speaker 4:

I want to know the ingredients in your cleanses, though.

Speaker 2:

Well, in the, in the parasite cleanse, the ones that you know, black walnut, wormwood, and there's another one and I think it might be clove. So, because I'm not in, you know, school is over now I was going to dedicate is like June, I was going to kind of go through these different cleanses and when I'm home and I and I have that, you know, that capacity to do that, I'm free and still no idea what I'm doing in August. So I'm working to kind of catch myself. When I find myself in a state of worry, you know, you know I kind of have to keep reminding myself. Oh, you know, you're a woman of faith. I think that what we're doing I see as a, as a springboard into, into other things. You know, so, like this, you know, like every week we're, we're doing it, you know it gives me ideas for other things. Like I think, oh, wow, wouldn't it be great to start like inviting someone a guest so we can interview them, so we can like have a conversation? It's like let's, you know somebody who's like?

Speaker 2:

really into this or really into that. It's like let's have so-and-so on so we can pick their brain and so we can have this conversation about all the things that they're really an expert in. You know, things that we're interested in. You know that we you know the three of us are interested in. I think that that would be a lot of fun. How to heal my my, which look what looks like rheumatoid arthritis? Naturally, then you bet that I will be out there some way or another shouting from the mountain news.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, read in the news that this is how well, I've got some good news.

Speaker 3:

So my nutrition program I we all know I was like 215 when I started it right. I am now in the 180s I'm 187. Good for you, and really all that was was limiting my calorie intake I can still eat whatever anything you know. In fact, they said don't eat the same thing all the time yeah, I've had a similar experience with um.

Speaker 2:

You know, because when I went to, when I went with my follow up with my, my doctor, it was really clear from my blood work and everything that I eat really well, like I don't you know what I mean, like I'm a real clean eater, but you know I still need to lose weight, and so it was really clear that the only thing I really needed to do at this point I don't need to clean up my diet. I don't eat junk food, you know I don't.

Speaker 2:

You know, like I'm off sugar you know all of those things right, but it's just that for my age, I need to consume fewer calories a day. I love to eat and so I'm eating really good food. I'm just eating too much of it. So I know what I needed to do. So I just I knew it was just like and I told her. I said portion control. That's all. That's the. That's the one thing left for me, because I've done everything else. I am definitely dropping the weight just through portion control.

Speaker 2:

And I also think that when I do the cleanses, like I think, sometimes, when we have a sluggish liver, we, we, uh, we tend to to gain more weight, and so I think, um, if I can get my liver working optimally, I think I'll be able to maintain, um, maintain a better weight just because, um, I have a better functioning, uh, liver. You know I gotta say like more what I'm hearing more and more, and, taylor, I don't know what you. You know I got to say like more what I'm hearing, more and more, and, taylor, I don't know what you think about this, but, like what I'm hearing more and more is like, even those of us who want to eat our vegetables, you know, get our vegetables in and everything. The amount of nutrients that we're actually getting from our food these days is not what it used to be.

Speaker 4:

All of our fruits and vegetables have been GMO'd in such a way that we don't even know what the original vegetables look like anymore.

Speaker 2:

Have you seen some of the videos online that actually show people peeling bananas and trying to break them and trying to cut into watermelon and whatever, and it's like wait a minute, this isn't even real food. And it's like it's not even looking like real food anymore. And you just wonder if that's what it looks like, then what's in it?

Speaker 3:

They're trying to make farming illegal, they're trying to make your backyard garden illegal, and it's because they want to poison you. And they want to do that.

Speaker 2:

You know, and yeah, if you're buying groceries at the store, you're you're buying poison there's a whole um thing happening up in pennsylvania with um, these um amish farmers that have been targeted by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture where they've gone in and they've confiscated the meat. And there's this whole thing against raw milk, you know, like you cannot sell it. There's a guy, amos Amos Farms, and he's you know he's, he's an Amish farmer up in Pennsylvania and he's in a big fight with the government right now because they even want to shut down what he feeds his own family. So I've been following this case and it's you know. And when you look at the Amish and you guys know this, I mean like there's. So the Amish live a particular lifestyle. They grow all of their own food. They don't really interface with the medical system, so they don't vaccinate their children and there are all of these kind of diseases and things that don't exist among the Amish.

Speaker 4:

They have diseases in other ways. At St Jude there is a plethora of amish families and it is not due to cancer. Always it is due to blood conditions.

Speaker 3:

They have a lot of blood conditions there are disease, you know, and just as much as we're exposed to chemtrails, they're exposed to chemtrails just as much as their crops catch these things that go over when they're not covered. That's a thing. That that that the world is doing to everyone, that yeah, it's inescapable get away from completely, you know yeah, we can live our best life and we can try. The sicknesses is worldwide it's a.

Speaker 2:

It's a point well taken. I think that it is inescapable. I wanted to know. I wanted to know. Taylor, like what? What are the blood diseases that the amish were coming in with that saint jude's?

Speaker 4:

I don't actually know particular details. It was really just assumptions from other mothers and what they had heard.

Speaker 2:

We were contemplating they were genetic diseases or genetic malfunctions in the blood due to incestual ties, so so like inbreeding, like yeah, I mean, I have a lot of, I have a lot of respect for, for their way of life.

Speaker 2:

I it would not be my choice, my way of life, but the whole thing about the Amish having all of these children.

Speaker 2:

I just saw an article just this week about how in Europe and I do think that this is something that's coming to America but in the UK they are beginning to close down schools in London because of a population decrease, like they're starting to see the effects of the population decreasing, and so it's like well, we don't, the population in these schools it's decreasing. We have to start closing these schools. And I do think that that is something that we'll probably start seeing in America the closing down of some schools or merging of some school, of many schools, because we're I think we're going to see a population decrease, our life expectancy is shortened, there are a lot of people just choosing not to have children or only have one child and we're below the replacement level basically in our country. And you can't do that. You know you do that for a certain amount of time and you're going to see the effects, and so they're already seeing that in London, where they're starting to close down schools. So I think that we'll probably see that.

Speaker 3:

If six or seven years ago I felt like there was not a chance that Nidus would have a good life in any way, shape or form, I would not have had it. I would not want to bring a child into nothing but despair, with no hope for anything in the future. But I feel like when women have a choice, women do not want to bring children into a world where they're only going to be hurt, where they're only going to be, you know, tortured or subjected to the same kind of life, if they don't feel like they have a chance you know, your argument is true in that in a country like America, in the UK, where women have choices, where they can bring children into the world or not, they look around and they say do I want to bring a child into this world?

Speaker 2:

And often the choice is no, which means that our population is going to decline. So we are going to have to deal with the reality of a declining population and what that means.

Speaker 3:

I think we have a population problem and I think that the solution is not to just procreate, you know, without thinking, without thought, without good intent. You know, just like everything in life, you have to have good intent, you have to have thought, you have to care about what it is, you have to see how it's going to affect the things around it, how it's going to be affected in itself and what it'll grow to be, because everything you create is beautiful, right, but everything you create could also turn to chaos, you know. So. Create within reason. Create within you know consumption. Create within you know consumption. Create within whatever you have.

Speaker 2:

Because had we not, you know, gone through the boomer process where everybody felt like they needed to have 13 children, you know, and the baby boom happened at the tail end of World War Two, when we had lost all of those men, when there was so much death, death and so much destruction, the inclination for humans to procreate and bring more life into a nearly destroyed world was very strong. People wanted to create, people wanted to bring life into the world because so much life had been destroyed through that war. We will always have baby booms after wars because it is our natural inclination to create life after so much death and destruction.

Speaker 3:

We destroy the planet, we consume more than we need, we take things that we don't need. And if we were just procreating naturally, without some kind of power, intent or population?

Speaker 2:

the average human is not like that. The average human just wants to live our lives. It's the. It's the, the powerful folks, it's the rich folks who want to develop, develop, develop and they want to build their skyscrapers. They want us all living in cities. They want to do all of these things for profit, where most people. What do we want to do? We want to go to work.

Speaker 4:

We want to provide for our family. My dad, you know he's a naturalist, he's an environmentalist in his own way. You know he spent his entire life in the waters of Florida and what he's seen in his lifetime. He mourns for his grandsons because he knows that I mean it brings tears to my eyes. He knows that they'll never see what he saw.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so these these things, these depletion of life, right, the depletion of life, I think that there are parasitic forces that are in human form, but most of us are not. We are not. I think the power elite are parasitic. They feed on us, they feed on the world and when you think about it, when you think about what's happened, like, say, in Florida, where we have these big blooms, you know, like the red tide and all of that, what's that caused from this cause, from the, the, what? The sugar? Big sugar, right, big sugar and cattle.

Speaker 2:

It's not the fishermen out there fishing or to catch a fish to feed their family. They're not the ones who are contributing to it If we have a fish depletion in our oceans. If people saw what the fishing industry does and how they have these ships with these huge nets that rake the bottom of the ocean.

Speaker 4:

The poison and the toxins that have gone into the water. It's not just the fish dying, it's their entire ecosystems. When you would go out in a boat and get five miles out, or what have you? You're supposed to hit giant, just fields of underwater seagrass, that seagrass that these entire ecosystems lived in. It doesn't exist anymore.

Speaker 2:

So what caused that? Yeah?

Speaker 4:

all of this shit and the temperatures of the water, the the runoff from all of this fucking pollution we're all participating and contributing.

Speaker 3:

You know, just going to the grocery store and buying fish, you know, is contributing and participating, you know.

Speaker 4:

And and it's not that we had the intent of ever being parasites- but do you know how many times my dad goes out somewhere and watches somebody abuse the right to how many fish, to what season the fish are in, to the fucking length of the fish? Nobody respects the rules. Everybody does whatever the fuck they want. They take all the fish they want. It's even on an individual level. The selfishness and the disrespect for the animals is so nobody gives a fuck.

Speaker 3:

We're regular people, limited for what they can fish and carry off by hand you know, and then you have boats out there raking the ocean for millions of fish at a time. It's okay for them. They don't have any. You can't get what you need for your family, but but they can go out and take it all you know and make you buy it at a fucking grocery store it's.

Speaker 2:

And it is really sad because when they rake the ocean like that, of course they're, they're also raking the seaweed, but, like when they rake the ocean like that and they're looking for a particular fish, they'll keep that fish and all of the other fish that have been dragged up they die. The fishing industry it's, it's. It's a mega industry that nobody's really talking about. But what they do to our oceans is just, and then we worry about oh, should I, should I use this plastic straw? It's going to end up in the ocean hurting a turtle. And it's kind of like, okay, well, we can do that and we can not. I don't use straws myself, but like we can do that and we're kind of taught don't use it because you're hurting the sea creatures. And it's like, well, is anyone paying attention to these mega fishing industry boats?

Speaker 3:

out there. It takes the human crew to run those giant boats. You know and participate in it. Who's flying?

Speaker 4:

these fucking planes. How much money could you possibly be making that you don't give a fuck about humanity and you're gonna get in that plane and spray that shit in the sky? Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, with the chemtrails.

Speaker 2:

I mean like I cannot fathom that. You look at like these, like globalist agendas and everything right and the 2030 vision for the world that the globalists have and all of that and everything, and if you really look at the stuff that they're writing, the future that's being envisioned for the world is a post-human future, in other words, moving it to transhumanism, where it's like we're going to evolve beyond humans. And I wonder, like, has humanity gotten to a point where we can't save ourselves anymore? Like, are we at that point? We might be some of the last actual humans. Are we going to become an extinct species when, at some point in the universe, people will be sitting around saying, well, over there, there used to be a species called human, but they don't exist anymore?

Speaker 3:

In the next Atlantean, in the next Nephilim. We're all just waiting for that moment when the Earth is like, okay, I can't do it anymore.

Speaker 4:

I can't do it for you guys.

Speaker 3:

We are a parasite.

Speaker 4:

I'm going to cleanse now.

Speaker 3:

Have you seen what's going on in Texas right now? Yeah, 110-mile-an hour rainstorm in texas. My number one, my number one tiktok is is weather. That's the number one thing I type into tiktok, because if I want to know what, what the world, what spirit, what earth, what everything is fucking actually saying to us, that's, that's the way it communicates, you know, and right now it's like get the fuck off of me, get off of me we have to factor in that our weather has been weaponized right, so how?

Speaker 2:

much of this is natural and how much of this is weaponized. And it's really hard sometimes, straight down to the aurora borealis, all of that shit.

Speaker 4:

There's patents for that. Everybody was like oh, aurora borealis in florida, check this fucking patent out that shows that they were actually performing these fucking things in alaska to create. Now, when I watched those videos in texas, immediately as soon as the sky turned all the way black, like somebody turned the fucking lights out, like we were in a real-life simulation, I was like this is geoengineered weather. There is no way in hell that the sky. We live in Florida. We've seen the worst thunderstorms roll in.

Speaker 3:

I've never seen some shit like that A hundred and ten miles an hour. They have boulder sized hail falling from the sky I do think that this is all you know being I. I saw the pulse waves coming off from south south africa on that island I can't remember what it's and and it's, and it's this little island south of africa, south of south america, like in between the two, set right there in the ocean where this blob keeps orienting oh yeah, and when you look at, all the radar, yeah that.

Speaker 3:

Whatever that island is that has a huge harp station with like 18 big tunnels off the bottom of it and whatnot, you know, I definitely think that's contributing, you know, but I think at the same time, you know, the earth is a very powerful, oh for sure and this is what I think about it.

Speaker 4:

This is my personal opinion. You keep manipulating her. You keep fucking with her weather. You think you can control her weather. She is ultimate power.

Speaker 2:

And what would it mean? What would it mean if we had another, what you call a Carrington event, which happened in 1859, where we only had, like, the telegraph lines, but they were fried, you know, from this major solar flare? So if we had another event like that, like the Carrington event, and our infrastructure which is not in great shape anyway, right If that gets fried and let's say we're without our cell phones and we're without internet, would that be, you know, or even without electricity for a period of time? What would that? Would be disastrous in some ways and certainly chaotic in some ways. But would that be an invitation for humanity to check ourselves?

Speaker 2:

A reset, a reset, a reset, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I think we're fucked here, all right.

Speaker 2:

On this planet.

Speaker 3:

We're pretty fucked right now on this planet. I look at everything that I look at from every angle that I can look at it, and this is something that I've looked at for a long time and I cannot, cannot make sense of it. And you know what it's. It's life, and you know. The simple part about it is it's just supposed to be life. It's not supposed to be everything that it is. So what is it? If it's, if it's something that it's not supposed to be in every sense of the word, then what the fuck is?

Speaker 3:

this is this life, you know no it's not really, you know, it's this, we're, we're, we're in the simulation we are fucking babylon.

Speaker 3:

We are the fucking problem. And even though there are some of us that are good, you know like we still have our houses, we still have our electricity, we still have whatever. You know, when I was at the gathering, I was in the woods, when I was fucking on my own, you know, fucking living in a bush, like I didn't have any of it, and at that point in my life I was not part of the problem. But right now, in this car, you know, with these windows and this gas and this fucking drinks and this stupid plastic cup and this fucking crack, you know all this fabricated crap that I have in here, I am the fucking problem all right and there's nothing you know.

Speaker 3:

No matter how good my heart is and how much fucking I gotta say, the one true thing that I can't fucking say is I am part of the problem, even though I don't want to be yeah even though I don't want to be, even though you don't want to be, even though we have great hearts, even though we manifest the best fucking intentions, even though we're putting that out in the world, even though we're touching people around us and giving them little bits of that you know, it's little fucking bits and then we still go to the store and we still buy paperback, fucking books and we still buy, you know, cell phones and computers and fucking headphones and all of it. Yep, you know. So, at the end of the day, I can't say that I'm not, you know, and I, I, I don't want to be, I don't want to be. Nobody wants to be, nobody wants to be the fucking bad guy, nobody wants to be the fucking problem. Nobody wants to be that.

Speaker 3:

But we are, you know, and all I can say is that my friends that are out in the fucking woods you know that, only have the clothes that they need to not get arrested woods, you know that only have the clothes that they need to not get arrested fucking who are, who are carrying around tobacco in in little cloth, fucking wraps, you know, sharing their tobacco and smoking it out of fucking sticks that we fucking made holes in and eating food that we picked off of trees and brought together to share with everybody so that everybody had at least one fucking meal a day. They're the only people that I know that aren't the problem. I wish that I could legally fucking live like that. I wish that I wasn't going to go to jail fucking for being in the bush. I wish that I didn't have to carry $15 in my pocket all times for vagrancy money to prove that I have enough money to get to the next town.

Speaker 2:

All of that is true and I think it's beautifully, beautifully and passionately spoken, anoki, and I thank you for that. I think you're trying to be authentically honest and real, and that's true, and I think that you wrapped up, you articulated the conundrum that we are in up, you articulated the conundrum that we are in I find myself in, taylor finds herself in, and those people we know, you know, who have the same kind of thoughts and feelings as we do, find ourselves find themselves in the same conundrum. There's no easy answer to this.

Speaker 3:

I think it's something that we easy, and here's what it is. If we ever see a solution, it will be that everything is fucking wiped out. And you know what?

Speaker 3:

There will be a couple of people that survive. But if those people keep the right intention and keep the right broken path, then the world might survive again. It might survive forever. So what we can do right now is is is real life. Talk about how bad it is and how we are part of the problem and how we have no idea how to get out of that problem, so that these kids, when we're gone or when everything's wiped out, know that that was what messed everything up and not to do it again and not to do it again.

Speaker 2:

Hey, taylor, before we get too far into it, I did want to have you pull a card for today. It's a hard conversation, and so we've gone down a road where we're really talking for real about the state of things and the state of humanity and you know this sense of feeling kind of helpless in a way, in terms of like the direction of of humanity. I'm always holding out hope, but I do think that sometimes it's a little overwhelming when you look around. And so let's pull a card like for you know, you know, just based on kind of what we've been talking about and looking toward the coming week, if there's some, a card that can inspire our vision, can inspire our heart, can shed some wisdom on, you know, on kind of where the path leads. Next, you know, in the coming week, we'd love to see what the um, what the animal, um, what animal would like to step forward and share. Is that what you're doing? The animal totems today no, I pulled it.

Speaker 4:

I pulled a hard deck for a hard day okay, so what kind of deck is this? So today we're doing the archetypes guidebook. Okay, okay, this is. This is also by Kim Kranz. Okay, wonderful, wonderful illustrator and wonderful author. This, this, this deck, is a little more forward and oftentimes has a lot of punch behind the message.

Speaker 2:

so we'll see well, good, I mean I, and, of course, I trust your intuition. You're you're really good at um, you know, picking the kind of cards that are appropriate for the moment. So I, I trust that this these are the cards that are appropriate for this moment, and so let's, let's see what they have to share they pulled the flame okay it is a tool on this deck um, and I think that tools are impeccable ways to deal in times like this.

Speaker 4:

I feel inspired burn it all.

Speaker 3:

Let's see what the flame has to say.

Speaker 2:

Yeah let's see what the flame has to say taylor so the flame and the precursor.

Speaker 4:

Anoki's saying that people with hearts like us right.

Speaker 4:

So I think about like when the giants return, right, yeah, there will only be a few of us left, but that spark, that, that hope and you know I use that word very lightly because I have a complex relationship with hope but there are people who know the earth, who know mother and who will carry on those beliefs and loves and traditions. And for me that is the spark, the hope in humanity, the true humanity, the true origin of humanness, the connectedness with the earth. So the flame, the fire, the spark, the glimmer In Sanskrit the word fire is agni. The ancient yogis saw this flame at the center of the abdomen and believed it to be responsible for our vitality. When it is lit don't turn my pilot light out, bitch when it is lit, we are connected to our purpose and our sense that life is a sacred gift.

Speaker 4:

Yes, it is said that those who cannot see sacred around them have let their inner flame go out. They must have went to that woman's class. Think about this card as a call to reignite that fire, to cup your hands gently around those things you've forgotten, and protect the flame, no matter how harshly the winds blow. It could be an inner archetype that begs you to light its wick. It is likely that the poets, the mystics and the shamans would call to you with the language of the flame. The fire is at the beginning of all transformation, purification and manifestation. Nearly every spiritual lineage on earth honors the flame. To enliven the connection with this energy practice, candle gazing techniques called Trataka Notice how lighting a single candle in any space brings magic to the room and creates a sense of reverence. And so that is my challenge this week for everybody to sit with a candle and focus on that flame and allow it to reignite the flame within us all, to remember the remembering, the honoring of earth and what we came here for oh yeah yeah, I love that.

Speaker 2:

And you know, I've heard that, um, fire was the original shaman. You know to look into the fire, to tell your stories to the fire that there was an alchemical process that would go on when one sat with a fire. You think about all the stories that have been told around fires and how fire story.

Speaker 4:

The fire can listen to your stories. The fire can send messages to the stars, to your loved ones. The fire is very powerful, magic.

Speaker 2:

It is. And you know, if you think about it like I know, we feel like we're living in the last moments of humanity right On Earth. Have we crossed the Rubicon? Have we gone to where there's no return from here we have to face our own death and demise and destruction as a species. And I think about the element of fire and how it has existed from almost the very beginning and um, the fire in the hearth of homes going back thousands and thousands of years. How that was the heart of the home. How, you know, fire was, um, where you know, a whole village sat around a fire all the way back to neanderthals all the way back, I mean memory in us of those caves.

Speaker 4:

In that time it's with us. It gives me goosebumps to think about. We can get back there and it can ignite ancient knowings within our souls. Fire is really special that way and it is a cleanser and the earth may choose to cleanse yourself in such a way. Um, but right now I kind of feel like, in a sense, you know and nobody's saying is that humanity's on fire? What are we going to do with that? Yeah, and I think it starts within little tiny steps.

Speaker 2:

It could be the spark that ignites and inspires life, or it can be destructive, and I think we're at a moment where we can we can choose which way we want to go.

Speaker 4:

There's so much destruction in the world. At the same time as fire destroys, there are certain things on this planet that cannot grow without her. I was born on a day that my mother was picking pine cones out of the Ocala National Forest, and those pine cones she was collecting were for the forestry, because those pine cones can only grow if a fire opens the pods up enough. They only come from fire, and so it is a point that new growth always comes from destruction, no matter what.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's part of the cycle.

Speaker 4:

And if, tomorrow, technology turns off, we will find a remembering. We'll need warmth and we'll need earth and we'll need food and we'll find fire. Fire will be there for us. If, tomorrow, the world turns off, fire will be there for us if tomorrow the world turns off, fire will not right.

Speaker 2:

Fire will represent life, light, heat, food, you know, community gathering, storytelling, all of that. So I think that that's that is a beautiful card to pull. It was perfect. It was perfect as always, right? So? And I appreciate the light that you and Inoki bring into my life and the light that we share. It's like we have our own little fire that we sit around on saturday mornings, share our stories and our thoughts and our rants and raves and perspectives, and it's um, it's all really beautiful. Yeah, so, always, so appreciated. We're going to leave it there. Are you crying?

Speaker 4:

are you crying? I'm not crying. I was trying to unmute because Porter was being unruly and his brother came to get him, but I am very emotional, very emotional. Well, the moon is in your sign, yes, and so I thought it was gonna feel really good and I was gonna feel in my power, but it was quite. No, it's really emotional, but that, but that's okay. Like I'm wriggling in my skin, you know, I just don't it's, it's really been, um, I don't really want to sit with myself, kind of feelings.

Speaker 4:

I have a friend from work, uh, who had been asking for some herbal remedies and, you know, although it's been a long time, patty, I thought I'll make her something. And, you know, although it's been a long time, patty, I thought I'll make her something, and so I made her these oils and I made her these salves. She has, uh, plaque psoriasis, um, and has diabetes, and so her skin is just really unhappy and and so she gets plaque psoriasis on her hair and it makes her feel very uncomfortable when she's waiting tables and her elbows get really bad. And so I put a lot of intention behind these things that I made for her and manifested healing in them before giving them to her and, in turn, in terms of the, I told her they were great on. She went home and she used these products. Patty, she came back to work last night or when, after she had used this product, her elbows were pink with fresh skin, her hairline was perfectly clean and she's like taylor. This was on like how did you?

Speaker 4:

and it gave me this ability to believe in myself again what I do this is what you do easy to get caught up in the matrix and be like, well, I'll just work, just work, a full-time job, and yeah, I make products. But what are they really doing? No, we can heal people and help people, and while the world burns, that's where you'll find me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, if the world is burning, it's going to need a solve the heart bomb. That's going to need a solve, that's right, some heart bomb. There you go, so it seems like a perfect time to be making these things.

Speaker 4:

And I just thought that was so beautiful.

Speaker 2:

And it really touched my heart to know that something that I made was able to give someone else healing and hope. There you go. That's beautiful. Yes, I see that happening more and more with you as we move into the future, taylor. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your wonderful products and their healing properties. Thank you, I love you so much.

Speaker 2:

I love you too. We're gonna. We're gonna leave it there. Thank you so much, taylor. We look forward to you know another. We'll see what this week is going to bring us, but we hope everyone has a beautiful week. Stay, you know, keep your pilot lights on, go light a candle. Go light a candle. I love you guys, thank you.