Patti Talks Too Much

Guarding Privacy, Hollywood's Hidden Agendas, and Mystical Wildlife Connections


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Can you truly trust the technology that governs your daily life? Join us as we embark on a gripping conversation about how our privacy and autonomy are increasingly at risk in the digital age. With Taylor back from vacation, we unpack the unsettling reality of DNA data being sold to corporations like Blackrock, and the implications of involuntary family DNA sharing. We also tackle the worrisome trend of personal health data tracking, particularly for women, and the disconcerting notion of our biometrics being sold without our consent. This episode serves as a potent reminder of the urgent need to safeguard our personal information in an era of rampant data harvesting.

Ever wondered if Hollywood is more than just entertainment? We peel back the layers to reveal the deeper, often hidden motives driving the industry, including the Pentagon's involvement in movie and TV show reviews. Our discussion highlights how futuristic technologies in films often mirror long-standing government advancements. Additionally, we shed light on societal disillusionments—overwork, overtaxation, and the disturbing reality of personal entities traded on the stock market. Our conversation extends to the environmental and property rights issues in California, where fracking operations encroach upon private lands and agriculture, signaling a global awakening to systemic problems.

Prepare to be enchanted as we recount magical encounters with wildlife that highlight profound connections beyond words. Taylor shares a heartwarming story about a mama humpback whale and her newborn, capturing the deep soul connection and maternal instincts shared between them. We also explore the creation of harmonious spaces with nature, from hummingbirds on a patio to thrilling wildlife encounters in the Florida wilderness, featuring a rare sighting of a mama panther with her cubs. To top it off, we delve into the mystical significance of the siren archetype and our shared love for spiritual cards, blending whimsical storytelling with deep reflections on nature and spirituality.

Speaker 2:

Good morning.

Speaker 1:

Right, I forgot to say good morning, oh my God. So we are obviously discombobulated this morning, but we are all here, and so this is Patty, with Patty Talks Too Much and if you're listening, live, thank you so much for joining me. I'm with my dear friends Inoki and Taylor, and you can see that we are already chatterboxes because you know Taylor's back from vacation. There's all kinds of stuff happening. We're talking technology because there's all kinds of crazy stuff happening in the world, and they obviously my two dear friends, obviously are perfectly fine with being data slaves, and I'm not. Let's start there, your turn speaking of data slaves.

Speaker 3:

who's um? Who's given their information to Ancestrycom?

Speaker 2:

Not me.

Speaker 3:

Who's given their DNA? Did you read about this shit? Oh my god. Well, this has been going on for a while hasn't it. Millions of dollars of our DNA were just sold to Blackstone. Oh yeah, is it Blackrock?

Speaker 1:

Blackrock, yeah Blackrock. Blackrock, yeah Black Rock. We call it Black Stone, black Rock.

Speaker 3:

Black Rock, yeah, yeah. So that's fun. I wonder what they're going to do with all that DNA.

Speaker 2:

Well, I have a lot of family that did it, so I figured I was screwed either way.

Speaker 1:

You know, because anyway it's funny.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, they do it because, anyway, anyway, anyway, they do it, they, they can like there's been people that have been arrested because their you know, brother or sister went and did a dna test and they had their dna and it was close enough match. You know that they looked into it.

Speaker 3:

They could arrest.

Speaker 2:

I mean, you know, they could find anybody just by what they have already you know before all that.

Speaker 1:

Well, I mean, I think like some of the you know. And then there's biometrics, you know. So now the computers are kind of automatically doing the bio biometrics? I think yeah right.

Speaker 3:

So my advice to women who are slaves to technology Anybody who uses their phone to track their cycle through their iPhone stop. Delete your information If you can. You should be able to wipe it.

Speaker 2:

It's none of nobody's business. I can't figure out why anybody would want to know when I was bleeding or not, you know.

Speaker 3:

Wait a minute, because what is?

Speaker 2:

what does that matter? Why does it matter like?

Speaker 3:

how many?

Speaker 1:

times like how come we're not?

Speaker 2:

my pee. You know what is it, what happens to my menstrual cycle that they need to know?

Speaker 3:

you know what if? And I'm just throwing this way out yonder what if, collectively, the whoever the power that be knew when the collective was menstruating and they could affect us in certain ways? Now I'm not. This is way out there. This is way out there, but I'm just saying it's nobody's business. Government wise when I bleed. The selling of my biometrics is absolutely not happening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I think it is no, but it is yeah. Yeah, I mean you know, and I and I'm not saying that, that it's you're doing I mean, I think it happens in ways that we're not aware of. Oh for sure.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I think it's inescapable. I think it's inescapable and you know, like it's just, you know, I don't know Like. I think about all this stuff or whatever you know and like all the trouble that I could be in in the world you know, like all the trouble that I could be in in the world you know, and the fact that fucking my exact little path is followed throughout the whatever you know. I mean it's like there was like something happened, Like something happened.

Speaker 2:

I would you know, be stripped naked of all this shit, you know.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely and take off.

Speaker 2:

Without it, you know, or freaking, I could consolidate everything and get it the fuck out real quick, you know, and absolutely off. Without it, you know, or freaking, I can consolidate everything and get it the fuck out real quick, you know, like if it was the end of the world. But I kind of need it to survive right now, and right now, like it does nothing but protect me you know, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

I mean, if this shit's going to go to my head, I'm good. Nobody can say that I fucking murdered somebody.

Speaker 2:

Nobody can fucking say that I fucking was this kind of person. There's tons of shit out there about me, tons of content Fucking. There's all the music stuff. That's my soul, you know. I was like here's my soul fucking YouTube, you know.

Speaker 3:

Downloading my soul to YouTube.

Speaker 2:

yeah, you know like, I just just shared, you know, just shared parts of myself. You know like, I still have, you know like, but what harm is that part of me gonna do to anybody? No, none, because I'm good, I'm a good person, I, I do things with a good intent, it's not what harm.

Speaker 1:

It's not what harm is due to others. It's my energy going out into the world.

Speaker 2:

I feel like my energy is bigger than this energy.

Speaker 1:

You know, like, like, like the ocean could drown you, but you could also ride a wave. True, true, I think it's. I think it's just a very interesting time that we live in, when we accept that every single little thing about us is known by entities that we have no idea who they are and what they're doing.

Speaker 3:

I was having a baby, and I was so steadfast that they were not going to get my kids.

Speaker 3:

I do not know why I felt like this. You are not getting my kids DNA. You're not touching my child, right? You cannot take his blood. You will not give him shots. You will give me my placenta right now. Give him shots. You will give me my placenta right now, and it's Tupperware. You're not taking that either, right? I did all of these to protect my child, only for my child to get cancer and me to then sign off on a paper that said we have your son's DNA now and essentially we can do whatever we want with it because it's for research. So all the work I did to protect him from I don't know what, it really blew up in my face because his DNA belongs to all. I mean, it's everywhere. It's been shared, his tumor's been put in rats and been sent around.

Speaker 2:

I bank my kids for it because, in the event, knowing you, knowing what you went through and stuff, knowing other people that have had similar situations, seeing the things that they do with themselves, they could grow a whole new organ.

Speaker 3:

Yes, but what are they doing with your son's cord blood while it's there, do you?

Speaker 2:

know the measurements of cord blood that they took. Yeah, I have a set amount of vials. It's all documented exactly how much is in each vial and it's cryogenically banked or whatever. However they bank it, you know it's cryogenically so that, so that nothing happens to it ever, they could pull it out and it's just like the day that they took it from us. You know, um, it also could help people in my family, other people in my family, you know if. I have a relative, that's a close enough match and court.

Speaker 3:

banking is awesome.

Speaker 2:

It can save their life too, you know, and the best part about it is it could save their life and they really would only need one of the vials for each major situation need one of the vials for each major situation. You know, yeah, it could save his life, or four other family members life and his life, or his life five different times or something you know like. So so when I looked at it that way, you know like they already have everything.

Speaker 3:

They already have every fucking yeah, like even st jude, for girls who are going through treatment. They take their eggs, they they ask the parents before they start treatment before your kids. I mean, we're talking about little girls, we're talking about seven eight year old little girls.

Speaker 3:

They will take their eggs out and hold them cryogenically until their treatment is done or until they're ready to have a baby, so that their eggs are not tainted with radiation. But still, these companies that we trust to hold our children's eggs and to hold our, our cord blood, what a huge responsibility for a corporation yeah, and to assume that it's always like the benevolent.

Speaker 1:

Benevolent and um, I mean, like you know, I've I've gone down lots of rabbit holes and you know um a lot of, a lot of fringy stuff and um, what I've come across is that, if you look at it, um like beyond this, this planet, and are interfacing with other um races, other species, and some of them are nefarious, some of them are not. One of the. One of the biggest commodities that's traded is um is dna, and human dna is very, very valuable out there. So there are potentially um off-world races that are trading in our dna and I I think that's kind of mind blowing, but I think like there, but even before you even get to that like, so I think that some of the DNA goes off world.

Speaker 1:

Just my personal opinion. I think some of it does go off world. I think a lot of things kind of go off world, off world. I think a lot of things kind of go off world, humans go off world, whatever happens to them. But I think our, our data, I think data is now you know it's the new and you can control you can you know that that movie with um tom, with um tom cruise. Um, that movie with that was about um, they predicted, like if someone was going to commit a crime and they would arrest that, like they would. You know what I mean? Like that's scary.

Speaker 3:

That's like what's happening in china yeah, it's all, it's all data everything is based on your yeah, it's all it was scary, yeah, and the thing is is that it's all database and like how close are we to? That. So I watched the matrix again for the first time in a decade. Let me tell you what that shit hit different as uh someone my age and, like you know, I don't know. It was crazy to watch it with a different perception.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I wish.

Speaker 3:

I originally watched it.

Speaker 1:

What was your takeaway?

Speaker 3:

It's absolutely fucking terrifying.

Speaker 1:

So are there aspects of it that are more terrifying than others, or like yes?

Speaker 3:

yes, yes. Human farming is absolutely fucking terrifying. Thinking about pods towers full of just humans growing in pods is insane. And then so are we dreaming our life while in that pod and and we're in the matrix, but we're living inside of this pod right yeah, like how close to reality is that? Is that is so scary for me.

Speaker 1:

I think a lot of people are are kind of waking up to how close our reality is to, to movies like that, you know, and I think, like movies like that are what you call like disclosure or soft disclosure. It's like, yeah, this is what we're doing to you, but we're going to put it in a movie. But it's in a movie, it's in, this is what we're doing to you, but we're going to put it in a movie.

Speaker 3:

But it's in a movie. It's in a movie.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Normal, it's normal. Yeah, it's just kind of normalized, I forget who it was talking to Joe Rogan, I want to say it was. I think it wasn't Joe Rogan, Maybe it was Pat Williams. Somebody said it was a comedian and he said something along the lines of it's really cool that movies and film and Hollywood entertainment entertains you, but that's not its first purpose. Yeah, there's a reason why there is an entire part of the pentagon whose job is to go over movies and TV shows and programming. Why do they call it programming?

Speaker 3:

it's television programming that's what it's called. He said it's really cool, that it's entertaining and fun to watch, but that's not a pain purpose. And that's all he said, and we were just like okay but we know, we know that the things that they show us in movies I mean patty and I always say that it's like 20 years behind yeah, at least what they're showing us today like the movies that are coming out today is shit that the government's been doing for 20 years, yeah, for decades, decades, yeah, and that's kind of, you know, and I think people are.

Speaker 1:

I think I sense, in the sense of so many people, is that we're really at a breaking point. It's like I know we were talking about data and everything, but it's kind of like this is not and we've talked about it, um here it's like this is not how life is supposed to be, like we're, this is not how our lives are supposed to be. Where we're working all the time, we're taxed to death. All of our information is out there and sold. Um, we have a birth certificate as soon as we're born, so that even who we are, like our body, like our persons, are literally traded on the stock market through a straw man, you know, in like all. So we are a human farm and I think people are really waking up to the fact. It's like what the hell is going on here?

Speaker 3:

Why do we have social security numbers? It's pretty far.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

You know, or you know the birth certificates and all capital letters. I mean, it's just becoming common knowledge. It's like, wow, there's literally like my, my personal entity, has been bought and sold on the stock market since I was, since I was born, like, you know, if I looked at that account, I'm probably worth millions and millions and millions of dollars, but will I ever touch a penny of that? No, someone else is making money off of that, you know, but but not me. I'm still. I'm still working my ass off at 65 years old. You know what I mean, like, and that's kind of what it is.

Speaker 1:

We kind of like work, our, our whole lives and in the meantime, you know, there are entities or whatever making, making bank on our essence, on our, on our, on our lives. It's really, it's, it's just incredible and I think that people are waking up to that. People are waking up to the fact that our, our, you know, our government is totally into forever wars, like we just know there just has to always be a war. Is that? Why does there always have to be a war? Well, that's kind of the military, military industrial complex.

Speaker 1:

That's how we, how we make our money it doesn't, doesn't matter that you know, yeah, we're going to ask your kids to go and fight it because you know, and we're going to make up all this shit and have false flags so that people are like rah, rah, we have to go to war, and you know. Meanwhile, you know it's just a big, big, big business. It's a big evil business, and I think people are waking up to that, not just in our country, but globally. People are waking up to that, not just in our country, but globally.

Speaker 3:

I couldn't believe California speaking of industrial just completely covered in wheel rigs for, as far as I can see, just fracking. As far as you can see, I've never seen anything so ugly in my whole life, it's just so sad.

Speaker 1:

That's so crazy because I was on the phone with taylor yesterday I think it was in and and she was describing like driving through this countryside with all of these, like you know, great uh vineyards.

Speaker 2:

Right, I'm talking miles and miles because you know they do produce a lot of wine yeah, but in the middle I I dropped your upstate um on the way back from Standing Rock.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I mean it's like there are oil rigs everywhere and they're fracking and the thing is it's like, well, wait a minute, I thought California was totally green. I thought it was like everybody's going to own electric cars.

Speaker 3:

Your car can't have any exhaust come out of it, but but the fracking machine.

Speaker 3:

That's because we're rocking all the, all the little bobby towers, you know yeah, yeah, I mean it's just kind of it's saying so this was the craziest part of noki is that in the state of California you can own acres and acres and acres of land, but guess what? You don't own your mineral rights ever. In the state of California, the government owns all of your mineral rights and at any point they can come onto your land and say, hey, you know what? We need that you just built your house right here in Okie, but we need this land because we think there's oil there.

Speaker 3:

So we're going to build fracking shit here, we'll throw you some money, but that's our land now. So we're driving through these vineyards and I'm thinking like, hey, I bought wine from this vineyard recently. Meanwhile we're driving through the vineyard and there's fucking fracking machine. They're pulling oil out of the center of the entire vineyard of grapes, so you're just fracking in the middle of farms and then we're buying that wine and we're buying that produce not knowing that it's having oil harvested all around it. That's disgusting.

Speaker 2:

Having oil harvested all around it that's disgusting well, oil is like a like, so it's a renewable resource. So anywhere that certain minerals are are built up, it'll create itself, and pretty quickly. Um, that you know honestly like, if we wanted to, you know, fix our problem, we could process our garbage in the appropriate way, instead of burning off the methane and stuff at the garbage plant, turning it into oil in those areas.

Speaker 2:

And the earth is always going to produce its own oil, because it's an organic breakdown that causes oil deposits well, but it's not.

Speaker 1:

It's not a fossil fuel on the ground.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's not a millions of years, it's not a fossil fuel, it's not, uh, it's not like that. You know, but we're told that it's like that. No, we gotta you know, go to these wars and we gotta do all this stuff, you know, and oil is pretty easy to make it is and it's, it's right there.

Speaker 1:

It's abundant in the earth, you know.

Speaker 2:

So our own organic, but we have our own.

Speaker 3:

That was another thing that was made to me.

Speaker 2:

What's like if we were compost in the right way, we could just make our own oil.

Speaker 1:

You know, all in one spot with the garbage and not have like landfill issues and stuff yeah, I actually think that oil exists in the earth and it is an integral part of her.

Speaker 3:

Like, yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it's her.

Speaker 1:

You know it's her, that's right, it's her, it's her system, kind of like, yeah, like our blood, you know, like so the ocean is her blood technique right and okay.

Speaker 3:

I mean, would you say that the blood of the earth would be the ocean?

Speaker 1:

I don't know because, like if you, if our bodies are like, let's say, we're the children of earth, right, so our bodies, um kind of, I mean we're made 80 percent of water.

Speaker 3:

But exactly, but the 80 percent of our water isn't blood exactly.

Speaker 1:

it's not, it's the water in our body isn't, isn't our blood, so, but it's an integral part of who we are. In other words, water conducts electricity. Water is, is like energetically it's, it's huge. And so I think like the water in our bodies is very much part of how we, we function every day. So it's not our blood, but it's an integral part of how our body is electric. Yeah, the energy.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I feel like the energy of you know.

Speaker 2:

Energy is what moves everything you know, and I think that the earth you know as a being, as a being is, you know, a completely different compound you know. It's like saying you know, because the air, you know, itself, is a thing you know. So it's like every part of your body is important. There's not a part of it that's not connected. And none of it really works without all of it. You know, at least before you know, we started to evolve to the shit that we're in you know, and things like our tiny land shriveled up because we're not using it

Speaker 2:

and stuff you know like, like the earth as an organic being you know, has always followed any change that it's, that, it's, you know, been faced with and there's so many components to it that it's like. It's like saying you know the universe or space as a being you know like, and when you break it all down, like we're just little pieces of this big being and it all has a purpose and a part. But I don't think that we could compare it to anything that we would know here on earth or in this life.

Speaker 2:

I think that that's why all religions and all you know belief systems and sentient, you know thoughts or whatever. You know all of them. Um say you know you can't know the universe because it's beyond what you can ever see. It's beyond anything you've ever experienced or felt.

Speaker 3:

You know and you have yeah, our minds can't even be here yeah, you have to not be here.

Speaker 2:

You know, and even in each dimension you break through, you're seeing more of the universe, but you're still coming back and trying to explain something that's so complex and like the most basic, simple language that it's like impossible to do.

Speaker 2:

That you know, like like really the only true understanding of the universe, or anything or you know that you could have, would be. You know that energetic or emotional feeling you know like the experience of it around you. You know let that speak to you more than than your brain putting it into a a box, it can't fit in ever you know and somehow, by taking out the complexity of it, you're, you're, you know. When you're, when you're simple, the universe responds because it likes for you to just flow. You know and yeah it's kind of.

Speaker 1:

It likes also some simplicity you know. Yes, I mean like, like you want to talk to god metaphorically.

Speaker 2:

You know you want to talk to God metaphorically, you know you want to talk to spirit, you want to talk to. You know aliens, or you know higher beings, or or you know they're all kind of here in that same space.

Speaker 1:

They're all in the plane.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you want to talk to them in the space. You know you ask a simple, stupid question and then you get a really clear answer. But if you're demanding of it, you ask with a good heart and you'll get an answer.

Speaker 3:

It has to be simple and pure. I asked the other day for signs when I did some work and the next morning I woke up to my entire just my yard, my entire yard covered in June bugs, green glistening little scarabs everywhere and I was like holy shit when I asked for signs. I really didn't expect to wake up the next morning to this, this good omen, this abundant sign right in my face from the universe. It was really something.

Speaker 2:

I definitely had been asking for rain after a month of it like completely avoiding tiny little mountain. Yeah it hadn't rained here since before we put the building, like a week or two before we put the building damn so it's dry yeah, so it it's been. It's been a little nuts, you know, and I really wanted it to rain because I wanted everything to settle, you know, and make sure everything was good, you know.

Speaker 3:

Let the dirt settle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I reshaped the whole driveway. My hand was a rake, you know. I wanted to know if that was going to hold up Gangster. It did, it did it, totally held up.

Speaker 3:

So speaking of what you were just saying, I have to tell you about the whales.

Speaker 1:

It was really interesting.

Speaker 3:

I called in. We had been riding on the boat for a while and April, you know she had said like we've been having to go further out for them and so nobody had really seen anything. We were looking for spouts and I closed my eyes and I asked the whales hey, you know, I really would love to connect with you and I'm going to put my energy down into the water. Right, I'm going to send my energy out to you and if you would be so kind as to show yourself so that we can share a moment, right, I said all of this in my mind and I stomped my foot on the boat to send my energy down into the water electrically. Within a minute I looked out and there were spouts and I was like starboard straight ahead.

Speaker 3:

I'm like yelling at the deckhand. I'm like there they are starboard four o'clock and we ended up getting to them and she was like, oh, my God good eye. But I was like it wasn't my eyes, it was my soul that asked the whales. So we get there and it is a mama humpback and like a newborn baby, yeah, and it was so cool. They let us just kind of ride with them.

Speaker 1:

It's a mama to mama connection.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, While I was holding my baby you know she's nursing her baby and it was just really, really magical, really magical, really magical. But for me it was proof that communication is really easy if you want it to be. Yeah like the ability to communicate with animals and connect with beings that are not human is so much easier their heart.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, yeah, it's it's really just about consciousness, you know, because it's like we're all kind of consciousness and so we, we're able to connect. You know, that way I had, um, well, I had a. It's not really the same as your same kind of experience, as yours, taylor, but you, I have these hummingbird feeders on my back patio now, because, you know, I liked the other bird feeder but it was so messy I wasn't able to use my patio anymore, I was like there's something wrong with this so let me change it up.

Speaker 1:

But I really love the bird, so I put up the and I was sitting one day and a hummingbird came whizzing by and hovered in front of me and I was like hummingbirds. So I put out to actually my. I had this conversation with my sister and she gifted me to hummingbird feeders. I just got them in the mail. I was like, oh, that's really sweet. So anyway, I put them up.

Speaker 1:

But my concern is is that my little rocking chair it's a small patio and my little rocking chair is really close to these hummingbird feeders. You know, it's like three feet away and I was like, well, I'd really like them to come to visit when. So there have been times when I'm sitting in my, I'm sitting in my chair and I see the little. I see the little hummingbird on the branch close by and I'm like all right, I'll bring my coffee inside, you can have the patio, right. But just the other day I was like, oh, you know you're hungry, okay so, but you know, I was sitting on the patio and I was like I'm going to be really ill and in my intention I would. I would like us to share the space. You're safe, I'm. We can share this space. You don't have to, and you know they're very skitterish, you know, and twice I had hummingbirds come to the feeder, which was literally just three feet away from my chair, and so they were able to enjoy their breakfast, and that was while I enjoyed my oh.

Speaker 2:

I love it.

Speaker 3:

So it was yeah, it's communication.

Speaker 1:

oh my goodness, they're so special, fantastic, so I'm you know yeah, I've got, I've got a hummingbird now, yeah, so it's, it's really lovely. So I look out my my window. Now I've got two little and you know there's usually a little hummingbird out there, but they're getting, they're getting used to my presence and so. But that's kind of what I did. So it was a little different than what you did. I didn't stop my foot or anything.

Speaker 3:

Well, I just felt like we were in the ocean. No, you needed to.

Speaker 1:

That was totally appropriate. It made sense for me. I felt like I needed to still my energy like depends on who you're talking to exactly and kind of put out that energy that I am. You know, I I am humbly here in your presence. What's?

Speaker 3:

the same, when I'm in the forest with the boys, I put out a, a fierce mama bear energy, you know, like, like a circle of protection type of energy where I walk in the woods and I'm like no, I am a fucking mother bear. So just so you know, sis, I'm out here with cubs too. That's right, and I think that that's why we never see bears on trails.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they feel that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that makes sense, that really does make sense.

Speaker 2:

I've always had a certain energy with animals that there's always been an understanding one way or the other. I feel like I've always kind of just talked to them, you know understood them.

Speaker 3:

You know a communication.

Speaker 2:

You understood I just talked to them with my heart, you know, like if they're, and even through their eyes, because you're speaking to them through their soul. That's pretty yeah, eyes are. Eyes are really important with certain animals.

Speaker 1:

And certain animals.

Speaker 2:

It's important to look at and certain animals, it's good to look away.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it gives me goosebumps. Remember when I started reading Jamie Sam's.

Speaker 3:

She showed us the ability to communicate with animals and I had been so indulged in this book. I mean full-fledged chills. I don't know if y'all can see them, but we went to that little place in Jupiter, that little I don't know if you ever went there. It's like Tequesta, it's a little, it's like a preserve the banyans and stuff.

Speaker 2:

It's got the banyans and stuff.

Speaker 3:

It's got the banyans. They have a Florida panther yeah, yeah, yeah, the sand dunes and stuff so we used to take the kids there all the time but there was one day when the panther was up and she was walking and her and I made eye contact in this one particular moment and it was the first time I called patty afterwards it fucking terrified me. You remember this shit. It terrified me, enoki, we made eye contact.

Speaker 3:

I look into her eye and she let me in her mind hmm, it was instantaneous, it was a blip, but I could feel her muscles rippling like I could. I was in her body. I could feel her mind and how she thought and what she saw and how she felt. It was so intense that when I came back in I was like holy shit, I had to walk away. Have you ever been to Corbett? Yeah, of course. Fucking wild hogs all day, dude the wider canal.

Speaker 2:

It's not really wide, it's pretty narrow when you first get out, but it's got when you, when you're all the way in the back of it or whatever and it's got that straight stretch or whatever. Yep, yep, I was there like sunrise, you know, and uh, I camped out there that night with my sister or whatever, and uh, we were riding out, you know, just riding around as we were getting ready to leave, you know and it's like dawn, you know, and it's got that beautiful like smoky fog.

Speaker 3:

You know it's like it's a light fog, though it's like just enough for that like golden mist to start happening, but it's still magical, it's so pretty.

Speaker 2:

It's like the Smoky Mountains, but on flat ground.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So we're coming right up to the last part of the Taron on the south side of the park or whatever going towards the North Lake exit on the long part of the canal. Right there in the corner, I look out to the right and and stopped the car and got out and there was a mama panther with two cubs twins and I just sat there and like it was so, it was so magic.

Speaker 2:

I just sat there and looked at her and she stopped and the cubs were walking kind of slow and just messing around a little bit while they walked, you know, and she stopped and she looked at me and I looked at her and we had a moment where it was just you're, you know, so magical. Thank you for letting me see you. Nobody gets to just see a wild fucking panther with two cubs in Florida.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for showing yourself to me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was so thankful to see her, just to have that moment in the open, Straight open, Nothing but that little canal. It was dry season too. Just to have that moment in the open, straight open, nothing but that little canal.

Speaker 2:

And I mean it was dry season too, so it wasn't like it was all filled up or anything there was like a 13-foot drop down, you know, to maybe six, seven feet of water across, you know, and it was magic because I could have been there and she could have been to me you know, and it was it was magic, because I I could have been there and she could have been to me, you know, and we were just right there like it's, it's fine, it's cool, you know, yeah I'm not here, you and not me yeah, yeah exactly, and she knew it was an.

Speaker 2:

It was an understanding I love corbett I I love that whole place. I love just walking around in the woods.

Speaker 3:

I remember taking Peyton to Corbett on my two feet. We got way deep in there and then he was like two and I turned around and the boars were behind us. Ah. The whole family and I looked at him and I was like mommy's gonna run now we gotta go and everything was freshly rooted and I had to like run through the mud where they had been rooting and I'm like dude, I don't even have a knife, bro, I've got nothing.

Speaker 2:

Just a child.

Speaker 3:

No, we're just fully surrounded. The shit and the pee is all around you. You can hear them scuffling through the bushes. I'm like dude, I'm going to get bored with my child in my hand, get me back to the car.

Speaker 1:

I chose not to communicate with the animals that day stay the fuck out of my way, stay the fuck away from me and my baby. Yeah, they can be really. They can be super aggressive.

Speaker 3:

I would feel more comfortable swimming with an alligator than walking beside her oh yeah and they're huge too. They're not like they are gnarly big.

Speaker 2:

You think like oh, a pig, you know, like, like, pigs are freaking huge, you know, but boars are like four times bigger and they're like scary yeah, they're, they're, they're back, like comes up to my bus line.

Speaker 3:

They're as big as me.

Speaker 2:

Their back is as tall as you, the boars in Florida are the size of bears in.

Speaker 1:

Tennessee bro, I am all set.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, listen my dad lives in Jupiter and she's got a bunch that are always out by her property.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, my dad said that's the only thing he can. He can hunt now he went to go hunt a deer? Yeah, and he said that, yeah he went to go shoot this deer, my father.

Speaker 1:

He said yeah I couldn't do it.

Speaker 3:

The deer in california are so pretty. They're different.

Speaker 1:

They're different yeah, they're different in different regions.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, yeah, they got like antelope in north and south dakota and stuff, and that was this particular part of there's a field.

Speaker 3:

There's acres and acres and acres where this man, william hurst, had a castle right and he had in the early 1900s it was the only. It was the. It was the only it was the. It was the country's biggest zoo right. So he had the first polar bear or some kind of bear. He had the first enclosure that was made for polar bears. It was like state of the art in the 1920s right.

Speaker 3:

He had all of these crazy animals, but to this day you're driving down the street in Oki and on one side is the ocean and you're watching whales jump right, and on the other side of the highway it's just mountains as far as you can see, and then just zebra, this zebra just running the mountain and you're like where am I? Why are zebras here? Why Antelope and zebra are on this mountain. Where am I I and where have I? Like the mists of avalon.

Speaker 2:

I know I went to school. I went to school for zoology. I was always really into animals and stuff and I was mind blown when I saw a wild antelope in south dakota and I was like why I? Was like. I thought that home on the range was like from australia or something, because of rescuers down under you know did you guys ever watch the movie andre?

Speaker 3:

oh no, I don't think the little girl with the sea lions no oh, my god, patty, you would love I'll look it up, I'll watch it. We went on and on about free willy last week. Yeah, we did so andre was the free willy of the 90s.

Speaker 1:

But with a sea lion.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so when I tell you when the sea lion started popping his head up out of the water, like hey, you guys, what are you doing?

Speaker 1:

I almost jumped in the water.

Speaker 3:

I want to play with you.

Speaker 2:

Good thing you didn't, because you're small enough that they could eat you.

Speaker 3:

They would just throw me around a little.

Speaker 2:

Oh no. Have you ever seen what happens when you throw a piece of meat off a boat in deep water.

Speaker 1:

No, I've seen it on film.

Speaker 3:

I'm from.

Speaker 1:

Florida. So I think, about sharks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not even sharks, the fish that are in the ocean. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1:

The fish that are in that deep water are very hungry.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, very hungry, very hungry fish.

Speaker 1:

Big fish. Well, I think it's um at the. You know, I'm trying to be really disciplined about like keeping it to and I know and it's terrible because our conversations are so good keeping it how do?

Speaker 2:

you think, disciplined it's fun we're gonna stick to the 10 o'clock plan that we originally had what 10?

Speaker 1:

what 10 o'clock? Oh, you know, to end by 10 the boys are like I thought this was an hour long. It's almost 11 o'clock, I know, right, oh, but and I, you know, I, I and I could. We could go on and on, and of course it's been a little while since the three of us have been together, so we could talk for the next three hours, but um I, I really we we really do like the, you know, ending it with the card pulling and talking about what the card is, you know, and okay, and I had some fun with that last week yeah, no, no.

Speaker 2:

So. So patty, patty, wonderful card, but I I just have the book with me so she had the card, but you had the book yeah, listen, yeah, but no, no it's better than that I was like, oh, let me just open the book and see what spirits got for us today, you know.

Speaker 2:

And Patty's like no, no, no, I want to get the card. And I peek right, and I look no, no, no, I want to get the card. I want to get the card. And I peeked, I peeked right, and and I look, and Patty goes and gets the card or whatever. You know, and I had closed it already, I like lost the number, you know, like, but I remembered the animal and and Patty goes and gets the card or whatever, and she comes back and she pulls the card and it's the badger, and the badger was what I opened up to.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so we both picked the badger.

Speaker 3:

I love badger medicine yeah. That is good woman medicine badger.

Speaker 1:

Yep, yep, it was very apropos.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Very apropos. Yeah, I'm definitely bados.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, very apropos. Yeah, I'm definitely badger. I definitely doesn't, yeah, I can see that.

Speaker 1:

I can see that, but we've been loving the medicine cards. I see that you don't have the medicine cards, though You've got.

Speaker 3:

I do not have the medicine cards today she's got something Jamie Sam's is my ultimate favorite Of all time you got the sacred bath guard. What do you?

Speaker 1:

got. What do we have today?

Speaker 3:

I've got the Wild, unknown Archetype Guidebook.

Speaker 1:

Okay, all right.

Speaker 3:

Now these cards are super cool because you can just pull a card or you can do a specific reading where they have cards where you can separate the deck four ways into the selves, which gets really deep into the where, into the tools you need and into the spiritual lesson, so it can be like a super in-depth reading. And they're versatile, like you can do different types of readings, and so I really love this deck.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to go ahead and pull and just see what we get so we're as always, we're like what can inspire us or instruct us for the coming week, and we have the sirens, the sirens, the sirens.

Speaker 3:

Wow, the siren is a self, it is an aspect of the self. Okay, so we'll look there and see what she's got. Was that a whale tail? It was a mermaid tail.

Speaker 2:

It's a mermaid tail, or it's a siren tail, which is really funny.

Speaker 3:

Um, I got called a mermaid so many times while you were on vacation in california, people would just walk by me and go do you think I'm a mermaid? Like at one point peyton was like so you're a mermaid? And like if you, if you get water splashed on you when you swim, to the ocean, do you? I don't know about this, mom, I'm starting to actually wonder if you're a mermaid, you know it would have been so cool, if you know.

Speaker 3:

Um, when people said, oh, you look just like a mermaid, you could have said shh, I'm trying to blend it's the hair all right, all right, so let's, so let's think about what we've discussed today and what the siren can represent in technology and in today's current time yeah the challenges, the challenges as we move forward.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, how can she help?

Speaker 3:

The siren calls and the world spins. What we thought we wanted pales in comparison to the sweet allure of her song. We find ourselves lost in a spell of desire and longing, perhaps even lust. Whether the thing calling to us is ultimately good or bad is somewhat irrelevant. It's the journey that matters, and the work of the siren is to take us on a deep psychic descent. Following her songs, we go way down, down down to a place where lessons are learned and courage must be rallied to find our way back to dry land. Try as we might, resisting the call may not be an option unless, like Odysseus, we bind our hands to the mast of our ship. Like Odysseus, we bind our hands to the mast of our ship. It's likely, though, that falling for her call is the only way we will come to live more fully on the surface. Embodying the siren archetype requires that we explore things that are taboo. The siren laughs at conventions and constraints. She eats rules. Other iterations of the siren archetype include the nymph, the mermaid.

Speaker 1:

She's breaking up. Taylor, where'd you go?

Speaker 3:

The mermaid.

Speaker 1:

You froze for a moment. The nymph, the mermaid, other iterations of the siren archetype you froze for a moment.

Speaker 3:

I'm so sorry, yeah, the other iteration of the siren archetype include you guys are going to love this the nymph, the mermaid and the fairy. They often come in sets of three. A Trinity of temptation, oh.

Speaker 1:

God, okay, a Trinity of temptation, oh god okay, a trinity of temptation am I? Oh, I wanted to be the fairy okay, you can do this.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I think we can both be either one.

Speaker 3:

you're the nymph, you're the nymph enoki, I don't know. I love tree nymphs. I love water nymphs. They're so hot and beautiful. Okay, so when light, we are awakened in our sensuality, absorption of knowledge and arousal. When dark, it creates wickedness, wreckage, betrayal and insatiability. To go deeper, it asks us to look at JW Waterhouse's nymph painting, or listen to Lana Del Rey's album Ultraviolence. The siren, the siren.

Speaker 3:

She reminds me a little bit of Eris energy and the fact that it's not necessarily labeled as good or bad. Like we are so quick in our minds, we're trained to label everything good or bad. Like the siren lures men to their death, oh no, but she has her purposes for seduction. And what is seducing us, you know what? What? What is our siren in today's time could be technologies. Is you know, um? How do we use the siren for our own power as well?

Speaker 1:

so yeah, yeah and I like the. You know the diving deep below the surface.

Speaker 3:

You know because it's all inward. The deep work is all inward work. Yeah, yeah, we want to fix the world. We want to fix the world, but we have a world yeah, yeah, we have to, we have to go deep and and sometimes, you know, look at the things you know, look at our own shadows.

Speaker 1:

So, in a way, you know the the siren, you know, helps us do that. Look at the things you know, look at our own shadows. So, in a way, you know the siren you know helps us do that. Look at our own shadows so we can, you know, step back out into the light more full. You know, you know, wiser, yeah, so awesome. So the siren this week, I think I think also that card was drawn to taylor this week, simply because she's she's, so she's still basking in all of that energy from the california beach.

Speaker 2:

It's like it's like california yeah, that california, you know beach thing, that beach thing, that mermaid energy. It was like the siren card just kind of grew to her like a magnet.

Speaker 3:

This woman, literally this shop owner, was like I'm going to send you guys a picture. Peyton took a picture of me next to this painted mermaid on a storefront door and the owner of the shop was like so you look more like a mermaid than the girl on my door. It's just hair something she's like I need to repaint my mermaid.

Speaker 1:

She's like wow yeah well, I'll also send you guys the picture yeah, and also didn't you notice like your hair behaves differently in California?

Speaker 3:

so it. I mean, it definitely isn't as humid. But I've never, I've never gotten so many compliments on my hair. Yeah, we walked in the dispensary and there was this uh, indigenous younger guy, long braided, double braids, and as he walked by me he was like your hair is magnificent. And I was so like taking a bath and I was like so is yours, that's awesome. We left there and april was like well, that was funny.

Speaker 3:

I was like was it because no, you're pretty that's awesome so you guys go out there and and sing a song and see what what gets called in when you sing.

Speaker 2:

I just got an iPad and sing a song and see what gets called in when you sing. Oh yeah, I just got an iPad yesterday.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you can do so much worse now.

Speaker 2:

I haven't done anything really since my iPad got stolen out of it when I first got my truck while I was doing the pool company.

Speaker 3:

You're going to have so much to catch up on, I'm so happy with it, Are you guys? Is the moon full? This is why I have a watch Tomorrow or the day after. It looks really full.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so tomorrow officially but, it looks really full now. Capricorn.

Speaker 3:

Second Capricorn moon.

Speaker 1:

Two Capricorn moons in a row, yeah, awesome. So it's really, but maybe that's why I love you, I love you guys so much. Have a great week. I love y'all. Bye, until next time. Until next time, until next time.