Patti Talks Too Much

Healing from Within: Patti's Holistic Regimen for Arthritis

Patti Season 1 Episode 3

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Can you imagine healing arthritis naturally without relying on medication? Join Patti from "Patti Talks Too Much" as she shares her inspiring journey of managing osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis through holistic methods. Inspired by the works of Dr. Susan Blum and Dr. Penny Kelly, Patti's approach focuses on gut health and routine cleanses, emphasizing long-term lifestyle changes and environmental mindfulness. Learn about her detailed daily regimen and the specific products that have helped her manage her condition effectively.

Patti dives deep into her comprehensive protocol, starting with a parasite cleanse using Paradex capsules and daily coffee enemas, which remarkably reduced her joint inflammation and pain. Encouraged by these results, she continued with liver and colon flushes, uncovering the critical role of addressing underlying imbalances in chronic conditions like arthritis. Patti's morning routine and choice of natural remedies have significantly improved her overall health, bringing to light the importance of these holistic practices in her healing process.

In this episode, discover the array of supplements and dietary changes that have positively impacted Patti's arthritis journey. From C60 for cellular regeneration to a daily regimen of turmeric, vitamin C, magnesium, and more, she shares her insights and experiences candidly. Patti also discusses an upcoming cleanse focused on raw foods and juicing and her excitement about reintroducing homemade sourdough bread and raw milk cheeses into her diet. This episode is a testament to the patience and dedication required for natural healing, with Patti promising to return with an update on her progress soon.

Speaker 1:

Hello, this is Patti, with Patti Talks Too Much, and thank you for joining me today with another episode in can I heal my arthritis naturally? And that's a big and ongoing question. And so there you know, for those of you who did not see my previous videos, so I am chronicling my journey to heal heal my arthritis naturally with no medication. Now I have kind of a combination according to my doctor anyway a combination of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. The concentration is mainly in my hands, my wrists, my elbows and my shoulders, and that was a progression. It began in my fingers and moved upward to my shoulders. I have chosen to address this condition naturally.

Speaker 1:

I've done some reading. There are two naturopathic doctors who have written books. I've read them and I am doing kind of a synthesis of both of these approaches. One approach, dr Susan Blum, is a functional doctor out of of Connecticut who believes that you can cure your arthritis by healing your gut. So her focus is on healing our gut issues through nutrition, through supplements and so forth, and so I have adapted some of her approach. And also I have read Dr Penny Kelly's book Getting Well Naturally, from the Soil to the Stomach, and this is a book that focuses on healing your arthritis cleanses and doing that routinely. Now both agree that whichever natural course you're going to take, it's going to take at least a year and so before you decide to commit yourself to this approach, that is something that we need to accept.

Speaker 1:

It is not like Western medicine, where you take a pill and your symptoms seem better and in a lot of ways they are but your condition generally is not. And in the case of arthritis, often the medications address the symptoms, the inflammation, the pain but exacerbate the decline of the condition of the joint and so, basically, your symptoms may be getting better, but your condition is getting worse. And most people find that they literally need to spend the rest of their life on these medications. And that is just not something I'm. I'm 65 years old and generally I feel good, I feel healthy, except for this condition. So it is, you know, I would like to live a long and healthy life and I don't want to give up on myself and start taking medication now and just kind of surrender to oh well, you know, this is my life, I'm gonna just spend my life on these. You know medications. You know because I know where that leads Oftentimes people will start one medication and because it kind of creates other conditions, the side effects, they end up on another and another, and another, and that's not you know, that's not a slippery slope I want to slide down.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to do that. So if I have to make a choice, that is a lifelong choice, right, because when you're healing something, naturally you are addressing it, you're healing it. But these are things, these are approaches. This is kind of a lifestyle that you most likely will have to live for the rest of your life. You know, like, if there are certain foods that exacerbate your condition, they might be foods that you just can't indulge in, you know, or or you indulge in rarely and then deal with kind of the aftermath of that. But but it's something that we have to be really diligent about.

Speaker 1:

And I will say that, and you may already know this, there has been a tremendous proliferation of these kinds of things the cancers and autoimmune diseases in recent years. Just an explosion of autoimmune diseases and rheumatoid arthritis is considered an autoimmune disease and people have their own theories for why that is In recent years. There's some blame put on some medical interventions of the recent past. I will say for the record that I did not partake in any medical intervention in recent years. So my condition is still a bit of a mystery to me, because, you see, I have not had any disease, any cancer, any problem. I haven't been on medication for anything my whole life and suddenly, in the last couple of years, I've had this condition that has come up for me and took me quite by surprise. So I think I'm not the only one in this. I wish I had some concrete answers for those who may have experienced general good health and then, all of a sudden, they have an autoimmune issue and they don't really know where it came from.

Speaker 1:

And I will say this whether you have engaged in taking medical interventions in recent years that are questionable or not, our environment is so full of toxins that at this point, I believe it's almost impossible for a human being to go throughout their entire life and live a fully healthy, disease-free life without encountering any of these kinds of issues. Because of what's in our air, because of what's in our water, because our foods are our foods are depleted of nutrition and often downright poisonous If you are still eating processed foods. Processed foods are generally poisonous. And so, if you are a smoker, if you like to drink alcohol. You know, even the supposed natural recreational drugs, like marijuana, are now grown under conditions that are highly questionable. So there are so many things, no matter what your lifestyle is, there are so many things that are surrounding us that kind of expose us to toxins, things that our body should never be exposed to, like skin should not be exposed to it, or, you know, we should not be ingesting it, we should not be breathing it in. And yet there you have it.

Speaker 1:

So some of the some of the answers may take a while to get to, but in the meantime that you know, the question is what are we going to do? What are we going to do about these conditions if we are of the mindset that we want to address them naturally? So what I wanted to do today is go through what I take every day, like, what are these products that I am taking? But? But first I just want to say now it's been a couple of months since I've done a video, all right, so, and the reason why was because I had the experience of kind of taking one step forward, two steps back, one step forward and it was hard like okay, how do I update people on this Because it seems like I'm going forward and then I'm going, you know, like the condition seemed to be improving and then it kind of got worse and then it improved. What's going on? And I can't say that I know all of the answers to that. I am just going to share with you what has been happening.

Speaker 1:

So I began this with a parasite cleanse. I used Paradex from Progressive Labs, so you can go to Progressive Labs and you can get their parasite cleanse, their capsules, and I took two in the morning before breakfast, two before lunch, two before dinner, and then, when I went through my second round, I endeavored to do two in the morning, two in the afternoon, two before lunch, two at dinner and then two at bedtime, though I have to be honest, sometimes I really forgot to do the bedtime one. So, but at any rate, at a minimum six capsules a day, and that went hand in hand with coffee enemas. Hand with coffee enemas, um, you know, generally every morning. Um, they are. There is a coffee enema that you can get. Um, it's called Thera Thera coffee. You can get it through Amazon. It's in a green bag and it is specifically for it's a golden color and it is specifically for coffee enemas.

Speaker 1:

I have found that the coffee enema has been the most important thing in my journey and it's usually the thing we're most resistant to. It's like, ah, I don't, I don't want to do that, no, I just can't do that. And I get it because I felt that way in the beginning. But what I found was, I mean, once you kind of get used to it and you have this routine, it's just kind of, it's just what you do. But I found that, combining the coffee enema with the parasite cleanse, I noticed a decrease in the inflammation and the pain in my joints and I became very, very encouraged, like this is great, this is great, this is working. I'm on my way. And then the next month I went and I did a liver flush.

Speaker 1:

Now the these cleanses you can find in Penny Kelly's book Getting Well Naturally, from the Soil to the Stomach. You can order it on, you can order it on Amazon, and she goes through each of these cleanses. So the whole point of this is to go through a whole series of cleanses and there are certain cleanses you do twice a year. There's a cleanse you do three times a year and you just literally set up your calendar so that, okay, this cleanse I need to do every three months, this cleanse I need to do twice a months, this cleanse I need to do twice a year. So I'll do one at this time, I'll do one at that time, and you just know, maybe you have a wall calendar, maybe you have whatever it is that you can set up that reminds you, okay, I'm due for this cleanse. So that's what I did.

Speaker 1:

So I went through kind of an intensive summer where I did the parasite cleanse and then I went right into the liver cleanse and then a colon flush. And I will say that while I was doing the liver cleanse and the colon flush and then shortly after that, I felt like things were kind of reversing a little and I thought, well, gee, I'm feeling a little more pain in my shoulders. What's going on? I thought I would really be turning the corner. I was so encouraged by that out of the gate parasite cleanse with the coffee enema. I was so encouraged by that out of the gate parasite cleanse with the coffee enema. I was so encouraged by that. I thought this is awesome, I'm on track. So I did feel like things were a little off track.

Speaker 1:

I followed those cleanses to a T. That's very, very precise what you do each day, and for some of these cleanses it's literally down to what time of day you take this or you take that. So it's important to follow that. You know, follow what it says in the book. Now I will say that some of these cleanses are also laid out in the book, the rain barrel effect. There are some cleanses that are laid out there, and so if you want to get the book Rain Barrel Effect, you will find the cleanses here.

Speaker 1:

And I will also note that 100 years ago these were absolutely normal. People did these cleanses naturally. It was kind of just part of how we stayed healthy. And then, when kind of Western medicine took hold and the pharmaceutical companies took hold, all of these natural ways that people kept themselves healthy went by the wayside and it was all pharmacy based. So these are very old, tried and true cleanses people have been doing for a long time.

Speaker 1:

So, at any rate, I felt like I had a couple of steps backwards and then I did my second parasite cleanse and I felt like, okay, I'm moving forward again. So it's been a little bit of a back and forward thing in that I just finished my second parasite cleanse, accompanied with the coffee enemas, and I do feel a shift in my arthritis condition, now one of the side effects of taking all of the things I'm going to show you, all of the things that I my morning routine, all of the things that I take. I've noticed, though, at the same time, that there have been improvements in other things in in my life, other conditions, and so I wanted to you know, so I'll share that as I go. So my overall health is markedly better. My arthritis is moving more slowly Now.

Speaker 1:

I understand it as a condition in a complex system. So the arthritis isn't just a problem in these particular joints. There's a whole thing going on in my system, and may have been going on for a long time undetected, and then it manifests in this way, and so, in a way, if you are trying to cure or heal something, naturally it's taking a long time, because you're literally addressing the entire system, an entire system that, unbeknownst to you, has been kind of out of balance, or maybe you had noticed certain things, but we normalize some of these things as we go along and we think, oh, that's just kind of, that's aging, that's how I feel or whatever. That's just natural and in fact, a lot of the things that begin to happen to our bodies as they become out of balance are indications of, you know, disease that's approaching, know disease that's approaching, and so you know. And so I think that I didn't necessarily pay close attention to perhaps some of the early warning signs, and then we sit up and take notice when it really manifests in more obvious ways, like you know, pain and swelling in joints, for instance.

Speaker 1:

So let me take you through my morning routine, all right. So one of the things that I take, I do a morning shake. I'm just kind of grabbing the bag here. I do a morning shake. This is from Meta Jetix, meta Jetix Lab. It's Ultra Inflamix plus 360. All right, now, this is just something you put a scoop in. You know, I put a scoop in a jar and I shake it up and put it in a glass and I take that every morning, but before I drink it, there are some supplements that I take that are in liquid form and some that are in capsule form. So I'm going to first show you the supplements that I take that are in liquid form, because those are the ones that I put in my morning shake. All right, so I'm going to begin with this Now.

Speaker 1:

This is a form of zeolite. You can see it there and this is a product that I take. It's NCO2, natural cellular defense that's kind of what it's called, but it's actually a liquid zeolite and I put about five drops, or like a half of a dropper, in my shake. One of the things that I've noticed because it is a heavy metal, you know, because it helps clear up heavy metals I have noticed, since I've been doing this and I've been doing this for about three months now that there's been a that that my thought processes, my memory, all of that, you know. The brain fog is is gone and I'm really able to to speak more clearly, and there are just things that I've noticed that indicate that I have much more clarity of mind now, and so that has been one of the things that's happened. That has been really wonderful. So having more clarity of mind is a wonderful thing. I am taking vitamin D. Of course, I take it in liquid form, and this goes in to the shake as well.

Speaker 1:

Now, one of the things that I have learned as I've gone along is that arthritis because this is a complex system arthritis can be connected to some thyroid issues going on, and so that it's important to make sure that you have a really strong, functioning thyroid, and so I decided to add things to my morning shake that have to do with fortifying and nourishing my thyroid. I think our thyroids are under far more stress and strain these days than they really should be, and when your thyroid starts acting up, there's a whole host of things that can go wrong in your body. And I, you know, and that is one of the things that I've learned is that arthritis can be linked to some some thyroid imbalances. So I make sure that I take a couple of drops of iodine every day. So I do iodine, a couple of drops, all organic. And to also help my thyroid, I take vitamin ADK. I add just a few drops of this and you can see that and you can order that online as well, All right. So I also take liquid boron, and I take liquid boron because I you know magnesium is really an important part of addressing this condition. But if your body isn't getting enough boron, then you're not going to process the magnesium as well. So I make sure that I take, I put some boron in my morning shake and lastly, you know this is kind of a magical thing that I add and this is C60.

Speaker 1:

Now, you may or may not have heard of C60. It's kind of a new thing in the whole alternative health scene. But C60 is touted as age reversal. It helps cells regenerate, that sort of thing, and it is good for the joints. It is an oil that can be good for the joints, good for that lubrication, but it does so much more.

Speaker 1:

So there are people, for instance, that have noticed that their eyesight improves after they have been taking C60. I have noticed I've been doing it for about three months and I have noticed that the floaters that I had in my eyes are no longer there. So this has been like I said. There've been a lot of positive things that have happened. My arthritis has been slow moving, but there are other things that have happened along the way that are very encouraging. So I do think that that has something to do with the C60 is, you know, in that I don't have floaters anymore, or extremely little Like. I used to notice them all the time. You know, they were kind of always there and then one day recently I'm like gee whiz, where are those floaters? They're gone because they had gotten kind of intense, and so that has been a great improvement in my eyesight, is that I do not have floaters anymore. All right, so that's the liquid stuff, that's all the liquid drops and things that I put into my shake.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to share some of the things that I actually that I take. So I definitely take turmeric, curcumin Absolutely A couple of capsules of that every morning. I take my vitamin C. This is the vitamin C. I take Two capsules of that every morning. This is the magnesium that I take, and I take three in the morning and I take three at night, and so, um, that's a lot of magnesium. Um, but uh, from what I've heard, we, um, uh, we don't take enough magnesium. Even when we were taking magnesium, we should be taking more than what we should. So I was told I should take about 700 milligrams of magnesium a day. So that's kind of what I'm shooting for every day. I don't always hit that number, but that's what I'm shooting for. I take glucosamine sulfate and this this is through Solgar. I take a couple of these every day as well.

Speaker 1:

Um, and along the lines of the um, the thyroid health. I do take a glandular and I take desiccated thyroid. All right, um, to support my thyroid health. Let's see. Now here's a product that I'm not really sure about, but I take it. I don't have any, you know, um, but this is something that you may have seen advertised. It's called Heal and Soothe. It's through Living Well, and it is a supplement that contains these enzymes that help break down the fibers that build up on our joints when we have arthritis. Um, this is what it purports to do. Um, you know, I I figured I would give it a shot. So I take three of these every morning. Okay, so it's heal and soothe, and um, again, it is um to address the fibrous buildup on our joints. So the jury is out on that. I'm not really sure if that is working or not.

Speaker 1:

All right, and I take calcium in this form. I like the chewable. This is through Solgar Labs and I just take a couple of these wafers in the morning. They, you know, just to get enough calcium in their 500 milligram. It's a 500 milligram wafer, so I do two of those every day. Now, in addition, in my tea or in my coffee, I do a collagen. This is my collagen peptides, and you notice it has all four. So it has the beef, the chicken, the fish and the egg, collagen from all four sources, and so that's my morning routine. So I have supplements that I take, I have liquid supplements that I put in my shake and the collagen goes in my tea and I do that. I do that every morning.

Speaker 1:

So I am about to do the next cleanse on the docket is called the purge, and the purge is a five day. Five day cleanse in which you are just doing, you are doing only raw foods and juicing, um, and so there are some supplements that you do and then, towards the end, um, I believe you do a um, epsom salt. Epsom salt is is really good for kind of loosening, softening and moving your bowels. Um, and you also do some coffee enemas towards the end. So, you know, because the purge helps eliminate toxins that are in your tissues and sometimes, like, for instance, parasites, can live, for instance, in your gut, you know, throughout your gut and your colon, but that's not the only place they live. So they can live in your tissues, you know, and other places, so the purge really does help clear those out as well. So toxins that are locked in your, your, your tissue and and possible parasites that might be locked in your tissue. So that's the, that's the cleanse that I'm going to do.

Speaker 1:

Next, as we get into the cooler months, the final cleanse in this series and then, of course, and then we just repeat, you know, so I'll be going back and doing another liver flush and be doing another colon cleanse, you know, and that kind of goes through the year, like every every other month or so there's another cleanse that is on the docket you need to do. But the final one is called a castor oil, olive oil bath, and basically it is a way to detox your skin, so, largest organ in the body. So you know I will be doing that and because it is a, you know, kind of a hot bath with, you know, with a lot of sweating involved, I'll be doing that. As it gets a little colder outside, I'll do that and that is something that you actually do once a week for a series of weeks in the winter months, to detox your skin, your whole, like all of your skin, throughout your body. Um, so that I'll be doing and then, of course, um, another round of these other cleanses, um, as we move into spring. So, um, that that is, those are all of the things that I take um every day. Uh, in addition to that, my diet is pretty, pretty restrictive, you know no sugar, no, no alcohol, that sort of thing. I do a little coffee now, like I'm sipping on some now, but that might be just one cup today because I'm treating myself.

Speaker 1:

I've done some research, getting raw milk and I've decided to start making my own cheeses. So I make cheese because you know, I haven't been doing any dairy. I'd like to return to dairy. So the way I decided to do it was I was going to make my own cheddar cheese and whatever you know or in whatever cheese that I can make, but from raw milk. So, again, I'm getting all of the nutrients from raw milk. So I'm currently making cheddar cheese and along with that I make regatta cheese, which is really, really tasty. And you know I love bread. But I've decided that I am going to return to eating bread.

Speaker 1:

If I'm going to return to eating bread, I decided I was going to mill my own wheat berries. I was going to mill my own grain and make sourdough bread with that. So I'm all about making my own sourdough bread and making it with organic berries, berries and seeds that I can get. And I am milling my own, so there's nothing added. It's about as healthy as I can get, and that is the process that I'm going through to reintroduce things that I have so loved in the past but know that they might not be friendly to the condition that I'm trying to address. So raw milk cheeses and my own milled organic sourdough breads. So I'm very excited about that because it gives me an opportunity to get in the kitchen and do some new things, new projects, which I always love. So I I'm going to wrap this up with that.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to hopefully, you know, get back a little sooner and give you an update on how things are going with my journey towards healing my arthritis naturally, and hopefully I'll have some you know, some even better news the next time we get together. So in another month or so, I'll pop back on and give you an update on how things are going. I hope this was helpful to you. If you are thinking about healing your arthritis naturally, I think it's a wonderful idea. You just have to prepare yourself for a bit of a longer journey. You have to be really diligent, disciplined and patient, and so hopefully you have all of those qualities and you're able to, you know, make it happen and heal your arthritis naturally. That's certainly the journey I'm on and I'm very happy to share it with you. So that's all for now. This is Patty with. Patty Talks Too Much, and I hope you guys have a wonderful day.